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Shikamaru's p.o.v
I'm going to die here. But then out of know where Temari came?! Thank the gods she came just in time.

Tayuya's p.o.v
"Hey, Shikamaru, need some help?".This blonde came out of nowhere and is helping this Nara kid."I'll kill both of you and I'll watch you suffer!".I say and was about to play my flute but the blonde girl used her fan to create a slicer of wind, causing me to go behind a tree. I was standing on the branch with my back toward them."What am I going to do?". I'm stuck, wait if I use genjutsu then they won't be able to attack me and I can kill them. I lift my flute up to my mouth and put my lips on it, ready to play.

Temari's p.o.v
"She can use her flute to put us in a genjutsu so I'm going to stop her k Shikamaru". He nods his head. I open my fan and bite my thumb making it bleed then moved my thumb across my fan, ready to summon."Summoning jutsu!". My summon appeared and cut all of the trees that were nearby."I think we found her".

Tayuya's p.o.v
They cut down all the trees nearby?! She also cut my flute?! I won't give up! I move now on the beach facing them with my flute on my lips ready to play. Then she used her fan again and before I know it I'm under tree trunks. My version gets blurry and all I see is black. I think this is my end.......................................

(This is Shikamaru Nara

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(This is Shikamaru Nara.)

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