I'll Fight To The Death!!!

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(Italics in bold means their speaking in their head.)
Tayuya's p.o.v
I will defeat this kid and catch up with the others soon."Well, kid, you should say goodbye to all of your friends and family cause when I'm done you'll be as good as dead".I say and he just nods his head 'no'.
"I'm not going to die cause I have all those friends and family members to go back to after I'm done taking you down...".He said and I just laughed."Well, then you can go see all of them when your...DEAD!".I play a note on my flute and put him in a genjutsu. This kid is so dumb.

Shikamaru's p.o.v
Crap she put me in a genjutsu."What do I do?!". I'm stuck and I can't move, I see all these illusions and I feel scared. I need to do something or I'm really going to die. The only thing I can do is cause myself pain, I'm going to have to break my finger, but not yet.......

Tayuya's p.o.v
Ha!I got this kid in my genjutsu, there's no way for him to get out of it, time to kill him. I jumped over to him, kunai in hand ready to slit his throat. They all of a sudden he........

Shikamaru's p.o.v
I broke my finger and it stopped then genjutsu just in time, I stopped her with my shadow strangle jutsu."Argh...ha, well it seems I got you and wasn't this a close call for me". I say trying as hard as I can to make sure she doesn't kill me right here right now.


After a while of Shikamaru trying to stop Tayuya...............


No ones p.o.v

Shikamaru was trying his best to stop Tayuya from killing him and he was losing his chakra trying to stop her with his shadow strangle jutsu. He was at his limit and was ready to give up,

"I'm going to die here.....". Shikamaru said to himself giving his last words. "Ino, Choji...I'm sorry.....".

Tayuya's p.o.v

Ha, I got this kid beat cause he's giving up, I can see it. I won this battle and his going to be as good as dead. I get my kunai and put it closer to his neck. "Die, kid..."

No ones p.o.v

Then out of know where..................................

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