Finding the others is a pain....

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Tayuya's p.o.v
Me,Ukon,and Sakon are on our way to find Jirobo and Kidomaro.Kidomaro has six arms like a spider and his jutsu uses webs like a spiders.To be honest I think their both block heads because we were on a mission once and we had to come up with a plan.But those two just went out and started to attack our enemies before we even made a plan,I was so mad and after the mission I hit them both on the head hard.Telling them that their block head baka's,they just looked at me with a mad glare in their eyes.But of course I chose to ignore them both because I don't care.And I told myself next time they do that I'm leaving them there to die.You might think that only after one mission you want to leave them there to die?!Ha,like I said before I don't care what happens to them or what they get into cause their not dragging me into it.Also I don't like getting caught up in other people's business,that's just me after all.Anyways back to finding these blockheads.After a while I see them talking and I run up to them,they turn and face me."Hey guys,lord Orochimaro said we have a mission to complete,to capture a Uchiha named Sasuke to be his next vessel".They both nodded at me in acknowledgment and with that we went to find the last one of the sound five.He's probably the strongest in our team by far cause he uses the bones in his body as his jutsu.I saw him and told him about the mission,so now we're all together.Now let's get this mission underway and over with,
but for some reason I still feel uneasy about this one even with everyone here.....

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