Mission Start!

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Tayuya's p.o.v

Now all of us are here and its time to start our mission!To be honest, I'm a little scared but I will be strong like the others even if I'm not as strong as some of them, I will still try my best to fight back at whoever thinks they can step up to me!Now we all are on our way to capture the Uchiha kid and I wonder why lord Orochimaru takes such an interest in this kid anyways, cause to me this kid sounds stupid.Like he's just another Uchiha to me, whos looking for a path of life or something like that anyways."Are all of you guys ready to go?".They all nod at me in a yes-way, now we start moving.I also heard this Uchiha kid is a low-class ninja, but was the top of his class at the time being.But still, that doesnt mean we cant take him down when we're a team no one can stop us!"Our lord is counting on all of us to get this kid back to him, so don't mess up and don't die, I want all of you to come back alive ya hear!".They all nod at me in agreement."Hey, same goes to you too, ya know".Kidomaru says with a grin on his dumb face.I just giggle, their all so silly sometimes that I cant hold back a bit of laughter."Okay enough chit-chat, time to move people!".I shout and we all start to move again.Soon we reach the Village Hidden in the Leafs and I spot the Uchiha kid, I tell the others and we capture him.I see a couple of low-class ninjas casing after us trying to get there "comrade" back from us.I use my flute, which is how I use my jutsu and play a song that stops them in their tracks for a short time.Allowing us to make a quick escape, while we had the chance.The others tanked me before we kept moving.Jirobo is holding the sealing container that has the kid inside and I'm behind him, cause I'm the one who can use genjutsu to slow down those ninjas that are behind us.When I play my flute I can put someone in a genjutsu if they don't have anything to block out the sound.That's why the others are in front and I'm in the back, so I need to stay focused on trying to stop those ninjas and the mission at hand.After we got a bit farter those ninjas were already back on our tails, so Jirobo was going to try and stall them the best he could and he gave me the container.All the ninjas stopped and one of them, the chubby one steped up to fight Jirobo and he told the others in their little group to follow us.I just hope we make it to the base and that Jirobo will come back safe, not dead.I got this weird feeling again, Jirobo, please don't die on us......................

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