4. Step 2: Maps

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Before Louis returns, I needed to pack. I needed to take with me only what is necessary. "Peasant" clothing would be best and I'd need to cut my hair.

My beautiful golden locks. Most people in the kingdom thought me beautiful. I didn't believe them. My eyes were too big. My lashes too long.My lips small thin yet plump. My cheeks too chunky.  My skin fair even if i didn't ready myself with powder or charcoal liner. It served me no purpose to believe myself to be pompous and inconsiderate seeing that my people suffered from hunger. i had so much and my hands were tied. i couldn't give them back. i wasn't allowed to share. Maximus wouldn't allow it. Another line I couldn't cross.

*door knocks*


I hide my satchel under my bed and sit poised with my sketch pad at hand, back straight. Louis was a guard but I trusted him. I didn't mind him seeing my sketch pad, as long as he didn't open it.

"Come in, Louis"

He enters in a hasty manner. 

"I bring you all the maps i could find at such time, your highness.", he rushes  the words out as if he'd been chased down by the shadows themselves. Thankfully, that's not actually possible. At least, not in the literal sense.

"I appreciate it Louis. I request for one other thing."

"Yes, my lady?"

"Tell no one you gave me these. I will dispose of them myself."

"Of course, princess" *he bows*

"You may depart to your sleeping chambers now. Maximus will be resting around this time as well. Another guard can stand outside tonight. Sleep well, Louis. Goodnight."

*He bows again and closes the door behind him*

I once again take out my satchel and i store my drawing pad in there and one of my more, less extravagant, so- called "simple" dress. Next i walk to my desk and read through all the maps.

When i am certain that i have memorized all of the maps, i throw them in the furnace and by the time dawn breaks, the papers are nothing more than ashes.

Satisfied and worn, i walk to my bed, open my silk sheets and lay in bed. By the time my head hits the pillow i am fast asleep.

I supposed my escape will have to wait until tomorrow. I still have three days, what could go wrong? I can only have so much bad luck, right?


AND IM BACK!!!! YAY! I've finally had time to update. I'm so happy. Its been forever. :(

Id like to dedicate this chapter to ObsidianDragon because you have stuck to the story even though I've been gone a really long time. you don't know how precious that is to a writer. or maybe you do. either way, thank you. this chapter is for you.

Everyone else, if you're an old fan of the story, new. either way, i thank you for reading.

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 i look forward from hearing from you guys. its 2:36am here in the Pacific so i will bid you beautiful people a goodnight or morning, depending on your time zone. I might as well bit some of you good afternoon and evening.  MUA xoxo

Lady Isabelle ;)

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