The Obligatory

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Thunder crashed as John's car pulled into the driveway of the house he shared with his boyfriend and six friends. He still regretted agreeing to live with seven people. He'd just finished a long day at university and work and was ready to go to sleep, or at least to just be with Alex. But, of course, he was going to have to socialize with his roommates. They were his best friends but he just wasn't really in the mood to deal with people.

He sighed as he got out of the car, rain poured down and lighting flashed over head. 

He opened the door to see living room in chaos. He honestly wasn't expecting anything else. Hercules and Lafayette were watching a show on Herc's laptop and Laf was aggressively yelling in French. The Schuyler sisters seemed to be having a debate—Angelica was pacing back and forth, yelling something about pineapple on pizza, Eliza was yelling back just as loudly, and Peggy was sitting on the dining room table (which was normally in the kitchen, not the living room) watching it all go down. The house itself had always been a mess, since the day after they'd gotten it.

"Hey, John's home." Peggy slipped off of her perch to greet him. "How was your day?"

John forced a smile. "Fine."

"Hell of a storm out there, huh?" Herc asked from his place on the couch. "They sent Laf home early from work so he'd be able to make it back here."

"Yeah," John replied. His eyes widened. "Shit." The storm. How could I be such an idiot?

"What's wrong?" Peggy asked, worry flooding her tone.

Herc nodded at her question. "What is it?"

"Where's Alex?"

Eliza glanced over, ever the mom friend. "I think he's in your guys' room. Probably working."

John doubted Alexander was working. "Thanks, Liza."

He practically ran to his and his boyfriend's room. He stopped in front of the closed door.

"Lexi?" John knocked on the door. "Alex, I'm coming in."

He pushed the door open after no response. Alex was no where in sight, but the closet door was slightly ajar. John made his way across the room and pulled the door open.

On the floor of the relatively small closet was Alex. His back was pressed against the wall, he seemed to be staring into the distance and he was shaking slightly. Silent tears were rolling down his cheeks. It hurt John to see him like this.

"Alex," John said, as he stepped into the closet. "Oh, my god, Alex." He sat down next to his boyfriend. "Are you okay?" Stupid question, he berated himself.

Alex looked at John and stared him for a second. "You're all right," he stated.

"Of course I am. Alexander, are you okay?"

Thunder boomed and Alex flinched.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're all right, you're all right." John wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "I've got you, you're safe. Come here."

Alex crawled onto John's lap and shuddered as they heard thunder roll.

"Lexi, what do you need?" John whispered. "What do you need me to do for you?"

Alex shivered slightly before replying: "Distract me." After hearing lightning crack above he winced. "Please, distract me."

John forced a smile, he was too worried about his boyfriend for it to be real. "Well, Lexi, don't you think it's kind of ironic that the two of us are in a closet?"

Alex smiled slightly at that. "Oh, my god. That... that was horrible." He'd stopped crying.

John interlaced his fingers with Alex's. "Did I ever tell you about the time I was literally hiding in a closet? Other than now, obviously."

"You definitely did not," Alex replied. John could tell he was trying to sound cheerful.

"So, it was just after I'd realized I was gay, I was, what, fourteen? Something like that. My first girlfriend—Martha, I think her name was—was over. Honestly, I'd just invited her over so I could break up with her." John heard the wind whoosh through the open window outside the closet and squeezed Alex's hands.

"We were sitting on the couch and I was there trying to build up the courage to break up with her. And then she just kissed me all of a sudden. I just sat there for a second before making something up like having to go to the bathroom. Like a chicken I ran up to my room, and just hid in my closet. I must've been in there for a good two hours, when I came out Martha was gone. I don't think she ever spoke to me again. And to be honest that was a relief."

Alex let out a shaky breath which John supposed was a nervous laugh. That was probably a good sign.

"I'm sorry," Alex suddenly blurted out.

"What are you talking about?"

"We're hiding out in a closet because I can't handle a bit of thunder, what do you think I'm talking about?" He put his head against John's chest and wrapped his arms around him.

"Hey, we all have our fears." John pushed back the mental image of his father.

"Rational ones, maybe, but this?"

"Alex, this fear is more than rational, you have a reason that your scared." Wrapping his arms around Alex, he rested his chin on top of his boyfriend's head.

"I just don't want to have to bring up my past because of this."

"Lexi, we all have our issues. Like the fact that I'm never going to introduce you to my father because he doesn't deserve to meet you. And the fact that I'm terrified of him. You would tell me that's a rational fear after my past, so I'm telling you the same thing."

Alex sighed and let out a slight whimpering noise as the rain fell harder.

"Hey, we're gonna be okay, we're safe," John reassured Alex and kissed the top of his head. Relief flooded through him when Alex nodded slightly. 

An hour later they were still in the same position. John was still telling stories in hopes to distract Alex from the raging storm outside.

John pushed the door with his foot and looked at the window. "Hey, Lexi, I think the storm's over."

"Thanks for staying with me," Alex whispered.

"Anything for the man I love."

A/N: Hey all.

So I've got this idea for a new story. It's Hamilton related, will have lots of lams. It's like a zombie apocalypse au, let me know if you'd read it.

I've got two title ideas which I need advice on:



Stay Alive

I've got covers made and everything, I'm even making a playlist.


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