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L i n d a

Nothing is how I remember it to be. Not the fighting that's happening in the next room, or the knowledge of who it is. All this seems new, and not in a good way that anyone would expect. No, this is far worse, perhaps because the people that are fighting happen to be my parents.

My parent's who have never held an argument this bad before, parent's who would be categorized as perfect, displaying on magazine covers where everyone seems to be happy, but as we all know that perfect doesn't exist, and this is a clear proof of it.

 They don't even try to keep their voices down, most likely forgetting about their only daughter who happens to be "sleeping" in the next room. Or perhaps, they simply don't care anymore, too caught up in the moment to even notice that I'm sitting up on my bed listening.

"I'm fine! It doesn't matter." I hear my mother exclaim for what seems like the thousandth time.

"Honey, it does matter, this isn't something to take lightly."

I can picture her shaking her head, most likely running her thin fingers through her dark hair and sitting on the bed while my father stands before her, pleading for her to come to his reasoning.

"But we can't just leave. She just started high school-"

"Linda will understand." He cuts her off, followed by footsteps pacing the room.

"No, this can wait." 

"Jesus Estela! You're acting like a stubborn child. Do you think this is a joke?"

I flinch at his tone, and surely my mother must have too because not a second later he's apologizing. He always does with arguments like this.

"We shouldn't even be having this discussion. It's not good for either you or me."

 My hands move on their own, reaching for my phone that lies on the nightstand beside my bed and my fingers dial a number I know all too well. One that will surely love my company and let me crash there for the night because honestly, I don't think I can handle this any longer.

 I remove the heavy cover from my legs and leave the comfort of my bed, looking for my shoes and keys while I balance the phone on my shoulder.

Come on, Jake, pick up.


"Hey, sorry I've missed your call. I'll be sure to call back when I can; After the tone, please leave your message, when you finish you may hang up..."

 I let out a sigh as I wait for the beep, glancing between the door and window- deciding which exit is better, but I've had enough of the jumping out thing. I don't need another set of bruises and scratches on my skin because of the chaos that lies in the next room.

 "Jake, I'll be there in fifteen. Hopefully, you're not asleep yet-" I glance at the clock on the wall. "never mind. I'll see you in a while."

I quickly hang up and open my bedroom door, only to see them standing on the other side.

"Linda, where are you going?" I glance at my mother as she glances at the keys in my hand then back to my eyes.

I half expect them to apologize for awakening me up, to let me in on what's going on, but like the last few nights they don't. They only look calm as if I hadn't heard a thing and we were that happy family from days ago.

"I'm going to see Jacob."

My dad's eyes narrow as he crosses his arms over his chest "At this time?"

 I scoff, not being able to hold my bitter tone any longer "Yea maybe over there I can rest without hearing any arguments." There it is, a flicker of guilt in their eyes, but I don't stay long to hear what they have to say. Instead, I race down the steps and out the front door, not bothering to look back.

Maybe I should have stayed. Maybe I should have paid attention to the heavy feeling in my chest as I drove through the quiet streets.

Or even called Jacob to let him know that I won't arrive- to not wait up for me, but I didn't. I was too caught up in my emotions and impulse to pay attention. 

Perhaps things would have turned out differently. Maybe I could have avoided what was to come. Maybe it's a game life wanted me to play, and there's no forfeiting or escaping. I simply have to follow the rules and hopefully make it to the final round.

Okay so here is the first chapter:) 

What do you think? Any thoughts?

Remember this is only the beginning more is yet to come.

A/N: Oh by the way the songs on some chapters will not always be based on that particular chapter there just like a playlist for the this book. However, there will be some songs that goes with a chapter, but I'll let you know which ones.

Once again Thank you for reading and giving this book a try.

Until next time- Booknerd 

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