Chapter III

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Song: Take Me Away by Nico Collins

Chapter 3 

A m a n d a 

I'm not ready

My eyes go back to the clock hanging on the wall, the one that seems to be taunting me the more I stare at it. Just two more minutes, two more minutes to decide what to do once the lunch bell rings.

I can either go to the library and print out everything I need to catch up on or head to the consular who'll surely ask for me anytime soon.

Or you can wait for Brenda to go to lunch together and finally stop glancing around every class for any sign of them.

I lean against my chair. It's not my fault that almost every teacher made me introduce myself, which caused my eyes to roam freely around, but slightly helped settle my nerves when I noticed that most of my classmates were strangers.

However, that still doesn't help settle the unease that's beginning to grow. Especially when I can feel every thought; and every conversation with Brenda try to fight its way back to me. Both which left me wondering late at nights what the outcome would be if I ever left that place.

The sound of rustling and chatter breaks me from my thoughts as I see my classmates stand and hurry out the room and into the crowded hallway, me following slowly behind.

Most walk around me as I search for Brenda, some sparing me glances as they pass by, not that it bothers me anymore. Today seems to be the day to talk and stare at the new girl. Tomorrow many won't even care anymore, hopefully.

My eyes find the entrance to the cafeteria first, causing me to stop on my tracks, and from here I can see them, all of them. The sight alone causes my insides to turn- a storm of emotions beginning to form.

A hand reaches for me before I can leave, resting on my arm in a gentle yet firm manner; she doesn't need to say anything. My face alone tells the story. "Amanda," Her eyes soften, "you were going to see them sooner or later. Besides, it's not what you think, and you know that."


"Linda?" I turn to find my nurse Rose with a smile on her lips, along with a tray of food that holds more than I can eat. My stomach fills with butterflies, all of which are flying around trying to break free. 

They're here. They're finally here to see me. 

I hurry out my chair by the window and grab the tray from her, setting it on the table placed in the center. 

"Tell them to come in." I almost beg.

Her smile slightly falls as she takes in my words. "It's just Brenda and her parents, sweetie." My shoulders slightly sink along with the smile. I'm happy to see her, of course, why wouldn't I be, but what about the others when will they come.

I must have said the last part out loud because she comes closer to me and gently places her hands on my shoulders in a comforting manner. "Don't worry. They'll come just not today."


How much I believed her words, but as the days and months went by, so did the thought of them ever coming.

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