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Chapter 38

L i n d a

My body feels sore. My eyes heavy as if bricks were on top of them, but that doesn't stop me from trying to open them, which doesn't happen easily.

So instead I lay there. Trying to rail in thoughts and memories that could have happened in the last minutes, hours, or even days.

I can tell that I'm lying on a bed and a beeping monitor is beside me, the only source of sound that seems to be present. 

I remember being at school, worried, anxious, and then hopping into my car. My head beings to hurt the more I think about it until I feel like I've been drenched with cold water causing my body to stiffen.

A gun. One that Eva was holding, and a bullet, the same one that hit me.

My eyes burst open, a wave of dizziness and cloudiness filling my eye-sight along with the monitor which seems to pick up its pace.

"Linda." I can't make out the figure, but her voice sounds so familiar, and the worriedness and concern is evident as she speaks. "Linda, shh it's okay. Here." 

I feel a cold glass pressed against my lips, and without a second thought, I drown in the content inside, which slightly burns my throat.

I lean back into bed and close my eyes, trying to calm the storm that seems to build up inside.

"Should I get the nurses?" I hear her mutter, and everything draws upon me. I know where I am, in a hospital and the beeping sound of the monitor is my heart, which seems to have calmed down.

A hand is placed on mine, giving it a gentle squeeze, and the simple touch feels different. Maybe because of the person holding it.

I open my eyes again and sure enough shes still there, watching me watch her. I don't pull away. Maybe because I don't have the energy or because I'm in shock, either way, I just lay there.

"How are you feeling?" Instead of answering her question, my eyes take her in. Her brown eyes packed with an emotion that was never there before every time she saw me. Her dark hair is in a messy bun which slightly matches the darkness under her eyes. 


"What are you doing here?" My voice sounds raspy, and it hurts but this needs an answer, especially with the history we two seemed to have.

She lets out a sigh and glances at the door as if scared someone will walk in, and sits on the bed, making sure not to sit on my legs. 

"I know you probably won't believe anything I say but it's worth a try." I wait watching as she takes deeps breaths. Her hold on my hand slightly tighter than before.

"I thought I was going to die." She whispers, her eyes trained on the floor. "What happened... only happens in movies..." Her lips tremble.

"Never in my life would I have thought of being kidnapped. Much less from one of my peers." 

My shoulders stiffen, causing them to ache, but I do nothing about it. I only listen. I guess Eva was right. She was going to blame what happened to me on Zoe, and what better way than to have her there at the scene of the crime.

Her tears flow down her cheek and her hand beings to tremble as she lets out every emotion and thought that hangs onto her, not bothering about hiding it anymore. "I thought you died when I heard that shot and all I could think of was that they didn't reach you in time because they saved me first."

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