Chapter V

35 12 15

Song by: Billie Eilish (with Khalid)- Lovely

Chapter 5

A m a n d a


The car ride is quiet besides the sound of the radio gently playing in the background. After the discussion Brenda and I had, she helped me get ready, neither of us saying a word. 

I panicked, and I hate that I did, but the thought of going back. I don't want to think about what happened, not because they treated me bad or anything, on the contrary. Everyone there came close to being my friends. Yet being alone most of the time caused me to stay locked in my head, a place I don't want to go back in. I understand where Brenda is coming from, she's worried about me like the good friend she is, but some things are hard to come from. Some things can't be said. 

I let out a sigh. It's a good thing her parents left early for work. I can't imagine what their reactions would've been if they saw me in that state.

"Damn it." I hear Brenda mutter as we pull into the parking lot, and judging by everyone's quick movements and belongings shoved into bags. We're going to be late.

"We have four minutes to get to class." 

She doesn't have to tell me twice. The second she parks the car, I jump out my seat and head to the back to grab my bag as she does the same. I don't wait for her. I run, not bothering about the fact that my bag is hitting my back with each step I take as I doge students from left to right. I don't want to be late, but the fact my class is on the other side of the building, and Brenda's by the entrance seems very unfair to me.

I let out a sigh of relief when I reach the door, and instantly my eyes land on Derek, who happens to be sitting in the same chair from yesterday. His grey eyes meet mine, and when he gives me a gentle smile, the guilt kicks me in the chest like never before. I run a hand through my hair, moving the strands away from my face and glance around in hopes of finding an empty seat other than the one beside him, yet they're all occupied. His smile slightly falls when he notices, and all I want to do is walk out this door and head home.

Looks like I have no other choice.

The tardy bell rings just as I drop my bag beside the table and take a seat, making sure there's some distance between us. Not enough for him to notice, but its Derek, and by the way his jaw tightens, I wasn't so discrete about it.

"Alright, class." Mrs. Robinson begins, gently shutting the door and giving us all a bright smile. "I want you to partner up and open your textbooks to page 225. Then start reading to answer the questions on page 227." I can hear a couple of groans go around, which only causes her to laugh, "Now this shouldn't take long. If you have any questions just raise your hand but be sure to work together, this assignment will be graded based on that." She gives us one late smile before taking a seat and starts grading papers.

"Yo, Derek, you got a partner?" I look over my shoulder to the sound of the voice while Derek's eyes seem to be fixed on me. The guy gives me a wink when our eyes meet, running a hand through his blond hair as gestures to Derek, who finally looks away. "That guy called you," I whisper while I pull the textbook out from under the desk and start flipping through the pages.

He shifts in his seat, most likely packing his things to hand over to his friend, yet instead of moving away from me. He gets closer, his arm slightly touching mine.

My eyes shoot up to his and back to the guy who's now sitting by a girl. "Aren't you going to go over there?"

He shakes his head. "No, he's not my partner. Now shall we get reading? Do you want to go first, or do I?

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