Chapter X

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Chapter 10

L u k e

Brenda waits for her in her car while she sits on the sidewalk, waiting for me. 

The sound of my footsteps immediately causes her to look up. Watching me walk out of the building, hands in my pockets- eyes set on her. She slowly rises from her spot, but before she can say anything. I speak. "I'm sorry. They told me what happened that night, and I didn't mean for things to go out the way they did."

I go on about how sorry I am. How I talked to Derek and apologized, but it's her turn to stop me.

"It's not just that," She interrupts, looking into my green eyes.

"What else did I do?" What else could I have possibly done to cause her to ignore me. 

She looks over to where Brenda is parked, who's pressed up against the car window glancing between the two of us. Amanda finally takes a deep breath as she turns her attention back to me. "Why did you call me, Linda?"

The name causes my insides to turn, the guilt and pain eating me up as it rolls off her tongue. I guess this was the reason for her actions. I slowly ease myself down on the sidewalk and gesture for her to do the same, which she does.

I try to think back to that night, and the only thing I can remember is feeling anger, sadness, protectiveness upon seeing her with him. Even upon years and months before Amanda ever appeared in the picture, I remember feeling the same. Expect this time, I have a clear and immediate answer for her, unlike last time. "I guess it's because you remind me of her," I whisper.

She stays quiet. Maybe shes already heard about the events that happened. It wouldn't be the first time I brought her name up anyway. She must have google or asked what happened to Linda, meaning that she most currently must know who Jacob Hunter was.

Yet Linda is far from what people made up of her. Linda is not what many now say. I would know first hand...


My phone buzzes again just like it has been for the past few days. Surly by now its filled with many missed calls and texts from family and close friends. All of which only makes me feel more guilt and worst than what I'm already feeling. It's hard as it is, they need to understand that now is not the time. In the end, I decide to power off the device and shove it into my front pocket. Yet the second I glance up, I bump into another person, causing a gasp to escape her lips. "I'm sorry." I reach out to steady her, placing my hands on her small waist.

"No, it's my fault," she says, her voice gentle as she steadies herself and pulls away. "I didn't realize where I was going." My hands drop to my sides as she picks up her notebook from the floor.  When she finally looks up, my throat begins to tighten, and my heart starts to race while it attempts to escape my chest. "Are you okay?" She suddenly asks, her hand reaching toward me. But my gaze is solemnly set on her eyes. Those same hazel brown eyes-

I quickly move past her, ignoring her voice now ringing in the hallway- calling after me, and head to one of the furthest restrooms- locking myself in a stall.

Those eyes appear back on my mind, causing my hands to tremble as her figure begins to become more clear, Ashley. No, I know what I will see if I keep thinking of her. I can't see her like that again- not her. 

When my breathing evens out and my mind becomes clear I head to the gym where already class is in session. I head to the bleachers and take a seat, watching the guys and girls play volleyball. No one decides to question or come close to me, not even the teacher who only nods and gives me a sad smile. I guess they got word of what happened. Besides, it not like I missed four weeks at the beginning of this semester. As my eyes roam the area, that's when I see her again, her light brown hair flowing wildly behind her back, her hands hitting the ball hard every chance it went towards her. Fuck. 

A whistle echoes through the gym, causing the players to stop and take a break. Many head over to there friends and talk, some now glancing my way, yet she stands there. Moving her hair from her face and glances around until her gaze lands on me. I quickly look down, scrolling through the many unopened messages - deciding if I should leave again- until I feel a presence beside me, who decides to take a seat.

"Hey," she says, placing her hand gently on my shoulder, causing me to flinch. She quickly removes her hand, placing it on her lap instead. "I'm sorry. I wanted to check up on you. You practically ran off earlier."

I turn to glance at her, and immediately, I regret it. Those eyes. I sigh, running a hand through my hair and nod. As long as I don't meet her eyes I should be all right. "Yea, I wasn't feeling good." I lie, but it's like she can see through me. "I'm not going to ask what happened, but I know you're not all right." Her words catch me off guard. Nobody truly noticed the pain I'm going through. No one, except her it seems.

"What's your name?" I ask. Hoping to stir the topic somewhere safer, away from my tragic storm.

She nods, giving me a small smile before answering. "Linda, Linda Smith."


The memory seems to fade back into my mind as I keep looking down at the pavement below my shoes. That's when I feel it, a hand rubbing my arm. I turn and notice Amanda looking back at me, her blue eyes filled with worry and another emotion I can't detect, guilt maybe. She then reaches over, placing her fingers below my eyes, and gently wipes a tear. I slowly reach up and touch my face, and sure enough, I can feel the wetness below my eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to zone off." I apologize, rubbing my face clean. She shakes her head. "You don't need to apologize, I understand." I look over at her and just like Linda, just like my sister. I felt the need to look after her, something I failed to do so far.

She starts to stand and dusts off her jeans. "You don't need to tell or explain anything, it's okay. Judging by your response, it's not something you want to talk about." She bends down and takes my hand. Helping- well attempting to help me get to my feet. 

As I stare at Amanda, I think back to when I told Linda my story. One that even Brenda doesn't know. "Can I tell you something," I ask, she tilts her head before slowly nodding. I glance up at the sky and take a deep breath before looking back at her. "My sister died in a car accident when I was thirteen," Amanda's eyes widen, but she doesn't say anything, "and about three years ago. One of my best friends was charged with murderer and locked away over something she didn't do. I failed them, and I don't what to fail you too."

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