Chapter 9

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I walk down the hall after the last bell and I see cam there

" hola" I say and he smiles

" hey there" he replies

" yo Cam!" Olly yells from down the hall and Cam focuses on Olly and smiles

" so we're still hanging later with the guys at that club?" He asks and I furrow my brows as I look at Cam

" yeah man" Cam replies

" what club?" I ask and Olly looks at me and smiles

" in the city! It's like 30 minutes away, gonna be lots of chicks Cam and I are gonna take home" Olly says as he high fives Cam and Cam laughs

" it's littttt" Cam says and I scoff

" are you kidding?" I ask and they both look at me

" oh c'mon. It's not like you're my girl or anything" Cam says and Olly watches with a smirk

" so chill" Cam says and I'm taken back by what he just said

" you're right. I'm not your girl." I say as I push past Olly but Cam grabs my wrist

" hey. Wait" he says and I pull away and give him a dirty look

" delete my number" I say and I turn and walk away into the huge sea of students

[ c . d ]

" what was that about?" Olly asks as I stare at Cara walk away

" oh, nothing. She's just some clingy chick" I say and Olly laughs

" did you hit it yet?" He asks and I smirk

" what do you think?" I say and he laughs and punches my shoulder

" shitttttt! She's hot, mind if I go at it?" He asks and my jaw clenches just thinking of him touching Cara

" don't know if she'll want to, but go ahead" I say with a slight laugh


" Cara wait up!" I hear a voice behind me yell and I look back and see Mike jogging towards my car as I stand by my door with my keys in my hand.

He has his football gear on, ready for practice and he smiles at me

" hey" he says and I smile
"Hi" i reply

" so I was wondering if you'd want to hang out later?" He asks and I hesitate to answer because I think of Cameron but then I remember what just happened and I look at Mike and smile

" I'd love that" I say and he blushes, the doors open and I see Cam and Olly walk out in their gear and joking around but Cam's face goes serious once he sees me talking to Mike and I glare at him then back at Mike

" so when can I pick you up?" Mike asks and I see Cam staring as his jaw clenches

" 6?" I ask and he smiles

" I'll see you later then" he says and I smile

" yup" I reply popping the 'p' and he leans in for a hug and I accept and hug him

" have fun" I say and he laughs
" I'll try" he says with a wink before turning around and jogging towards the field

" hey, I'll be right there, tell coach I forgot my mouth guard" Cam says to Olly and I turn around and unlock my car door

" what was that?" I hear Cam's voice say as the noise of his cleats get closer I put my bag down in my passengers seat and pretend I didn't hear him

" I know you hear me" he says and I stand up and roll my eyes before I turn around, when I do, I see Cam's eyes move from my ass to my eyes

" were you really just staring at my ass?" I ask and his cheeks grow hot

" uh. N-no" He says and I scoff

" ridiculous" I say

" answer my question" he says and I cross my arms

" what does it matter? I'm not your girl remember?" I ask as his jaw clenches

" look, Cara I only said that cause I didn't want Olly to say anything" he says as he reaches for my arm and I pull back

" Cara.." he says and I look down, he steps closer and brings his hand up to my face and caresses it

" don't go with Mike" he says and I look up at him

I stare into his brown eyes and I smile, he leans in and I allow it, our faces are so close to touching until I hear someone yell his name

" Cam baby! Are we still on for tomorrow?" One of the cheerleaders yell out as they wave their Pom Pom, I raise my brows and look at Cam who's at a loss for words

" yeah Cam. You guys still on for tomorrow?" I ask and his face turns red

" I gotta go" I say as I open my car door and sit in, I shut the door and Cam holds onto the door through my open window

" Cara look! I can explain!" He says and I put my car in reverse and back out quickly and he loses his grip on the door and I drive off.

" you can really delete my number this time" I yell out the window


Cam calls for the 10th time and I ignore it again as I pull up my boots and stare at my outfit in the mirror.

I'm wearing a black maxi dress and black thigh highs, my hair is down, and I put on natural makeup

" where are we going again?" I ask Mike as he lays on my bed

" it's a surprise" he says and I look back at him and smile

He sits up and stares at me and smirks

" come" He says and I walk over to him and he hugs my waist as I laugh and grip into his blonde hair

" I miss us" he says and I look down at him and he glares up at me

He stands up and I move my head up a little to keep the eye contact since he's taller and he tucks my hair behind my ear

" why did I let you go?" He whispers and I look down at the floor but he brings my chin up with his hands

" do you forgive me?" He asks and I open my mouth but nothing comes out

" didn't mean to make this awkward" he says and I laugh

" yes" I blurt out and he furrows his brows

" yes. I forgive you" I say and he smiles

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