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Finished with his plan 022 walked out of the room and to the elevator.

Reaching the elevator, he pressed the button to go down. He leaned against the wall, waiting for the elevator to come.

It just so happened that Lu Cheng, this world's protagonist, also just finished a meeting with his business partners that he was attending. He prepared to leave and walked down the hall to the elevators.

But then he stopped, stunned.

He swore he saw an angel. So otherworldly the other appeared.

Silky golden hair, long enough to be bound with a simple rippon to fall over the angels shoulder. And big eyes, so blue the ocean and sky would try to hide in shame. Those big blue eyes were framed by soft, long and curved eyelashes. They seemed to radiate purity, yet deep within they hid a wisdom that didn't fit the appearance of the angelic youth before him.

The boy's skin was whiter than snow, appearing as fragile as porcelain and shimmering under the sunlight coming in through the big floor to ceiling windows.

Plump red lips were drawn into a straight line, appearing far too serious on such a soft looking boy.

Lu Cheng wanted nothing more at that moment than to see those lovely lips curve into a smile, even better if the smile would be directed at him.

Lu Cheng walked over quickly with hurried steps, afraid that it was just an illusion and that the boy would disappear if he wasn't quick enough. Within a few steps he stood before the expressionless beauty.

He curled his lips into a playful smile, wanting to impress the youth with his own handsome looks. They were standing face to face now and Lu Cheng tried hard to not forget his breathing.

With practiced ease and false courage, Lu Cheng gently grabbed the angels chin and tilted it upwards, giving a blinding smile.

''Little angel, what's your name? Where you waiting for me?'' He asked with a teasing note, his deep voice reverberating through the narrow space between them.

Lu Cheng wished to move closer to this little angel and close the gap between them, to kiss those rosy red lips and feel the soft body underneath his hands.

On the other hand, 022 stared deadpan at Lu Cheng and wondered 'Where did this shamelessness pop out from? I knew that this world's male lead was a playboy, but was it possible that he really can't live without flirting with every good looking person passing by for even one day?' 022 was honestly a little speechless by the world's logic, once again if he may add.

Glancing down, he saw Lu Cheng sneakingly move his hand to his waist, probably wishing to embrace him and pull him to his chest. 022 narrowed his eyes and tried to remember what his hosts did when facing such a person in the past.

He thought back to all similar situations and within seconds his face had black lines and furrowed brows. In the past, his hosts usually just glared or made empty threats, ending up in those men's beds or marrying them. Some blushed and tried to weakly shove them away, their ending being the same as the others, a fucked out expression or a golden ring at their finger.

022 wanted to hide his face in his hands, remembering his past host's idiocy. They always acted smart and untouchable, but in the end they were all stupid enough to fall in love with this kind of shameless man and talked about fate and true love. He was second hand embarrassed for them.

022 let out a sigh innerly and decided that he would rather not follow those horrible past examples. He would deal with this shameless man in his own way.

Besides he had a debt to repay, remembering what Lu Cheng did in the original plot.

022 raised his head and looked Lu Cheng straight in the eyes.

While Lu Cheng lost himself in the deep azure of 022's eyes leaving him dazed, he raised the corner of his lips in a cruel arc and kicked Lu Cheng in a man's most important part in between his legs.

One moment Lu Cheng was bewitched by the beauty's eyes and raised lips, the next he lay curled up on the floor, tears streaming down his eyes.

022 looked expressionlessly down at the scum without shame that also happened to be this world's male lead and coldy spat out: ''Don't you dare touch me. You are dirt.'' The disgust was evident in 022's voice. Hearing a 'ding' at his side and seeing the elevator arriving, 022 walked into the elevator, not sparing Lu Cheng a second glance.

The last thing Lu Cheng saw before the elevator closed was the angels cold back. His hands held his painful part, his nose sour and eyes watery.

Lu Cheng thinks he is in love......and that he might have become impotent.....

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