First World 1.8 Duke Orchid

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My and Xions eyes⬆️

Hello my little readers and lamps

And *gets on knees and bangs head against the floor*

Sorry for taking so long _


After Xion was finished with his bath he went to Viktors bedroom, intending to sleep with him, only to get thrown out right away.

Xion even tried using the famous attack, puppy eyes, but to no avail.

022 instructed the maid, the one with the dark thoughts, to bring him to another room.
The maid looked sad, she kept on glancing between the two of them, hoping that Viktor might change his mind and sleep together with Xion( and maybe more \(//∇//)\ ).

022 kept his cold look and slammed his door shut.
Entered his bed and went to sleep, ignoring the whimpers, resounding throughout the mansion the whole night.

In the morning 022 was awoken by the sunlight shining through the windows on to his face.
As well as his natural body clock. 

"Viktor~ I made some breakfast for you, quickly get up. " Xions manly voice, with a sickly sweet tone came from his side.
Xion happily urged 022 to wake up, a sweet smile still plastered on his face.

022 sighed, he looked at Xion, who looked at him with shiny? eyes.
022 is rather surprised to see Xion awake already. After all, it could still be considered rather early in the morning and in the past, Xion could never be called a morning person.

After getting ready, with Xion always secretly ogling his body, 022 leaves the room, Xion following behind.

'Hmmm, the ears and tail really suit him. Especially when he's following behind me like that. Really cute. ' 022 thought to himself.

Exiting the room, outside Ed was dutifully waiting for him.
Ed looked at Viktor and then Xion who followed Viktor out of the room.
He was really happy to know that the Young Master is finally opening up to someone, even being together in the morning, what good friends.

He smiled and greeted Viktor. "Good morning Young Master. Breakfast was made by Xion-sama. "

022 nodded to Ed.
He was really hungry, a humans body is really fragile, needing to eat so often.
As a system he only absorbed energy, it wasn't often that he ate real food.

022 went down to the dining hall, with Xion humming a happy tune.

Upon entering, 022 was greeted by the delicious smell of food and a table full of food.

(A/N: I'm hungry~~~~)

He sat down together with Xion and began eating.
It tasted great, he looked to the side and saw Xion looking at him with eyes filled with excitement.
He immediately knew that Xion made the food.

He pats Xions head and ears.
"It tastes great, " he says with a smile and receives a big smile showing all his pearly white teeth from the beastman.

'Just how can such a big guy look so f*cking cute?!' He silently thinks to himself.

Finished with breakfast he prepares to go to school but stops at the entrance, looking back the big guy is still following him, with his tail swinging from side to side.

"You," 022 begins pointing at Xion,"will stay here, while I go to school. " then points inside The mansion.

"But~" Xion whines.
"No, buts." 022 looks sternly at the guy whose ears are laying flat on top of his head.  "You. Stay. "

Xion looks at 022 pleadingly, hoping his watery eyes will hit 022 soft spot.


022 shut the door shut, locking Xion inside.
'That guy is dangerous, I almost fell for his eyes. '


That's all for now.

It's short with 590 somewhat words but still better than nothing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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