First World 1.6 Duke Orchid

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Read here and you shall find out more about the ML⬇️


The beastman opened his eyes wide in shock.
His whole body stood ramrod straight as he looked at 022 with hope in his eyes.

" y..ou kn...ow?!"
The beastman, Xion, stuttered like crazy. Tears started forming in his eyes again.

"My name is System 022, Master Xion."
022 answered, looking straight into Xions watery eyes.

Hearing 022's words Xion broke into tears again. Sobbing softly, while running to 022 and jumbing in his embrace.
Both of them fell onto the bed, with Xion on top of Victor.

Xion clutches 022 shirt, almost desperatly.

022 looks at the sobbing mess laying on top of him and sighed, letting his head slump onto the bed.

He awkwardely patted and rubbed the bigger mans back, trying to calm him down.

It was only an hour later that Xion calmed down, sniffing his snot up his nose and rubbing his swollen and red eyes.
Both 022's and Xion's clothes and hair were disorderly, together with Xions swollen red eyes, everyone that entered now would definitely misunderstand the situation.

022 sat himself up, the big guy still on his lap.

"Would you tell me, why you are here and in the body of a beastman slave, Master Xion?"
022 asked, already having a bad premotion of what is about to come.

"W..Well~" Xions head hang down, as he started playing with his fingers.

"Just tell me. " 022 urged, his mood starting to turn bad again.

"I was gambeling.
Some other gods invited me, so I accepted.
Everything was nice and good but I noticed too late that some of them were cheating.
I lost and as punishment, they told me to go to the lower worlds and enter the bodies of cannon fodder, like those hosts of my systems. " Xion explained, a sad look on his face as he countined playing with his fingers.

To understand the situation a little more, it would be better, to tell a few things about Xion.
Xion is a god, or to be more precise the god of systems and a minor god of creation.

He doesn't have much strength and depends on the system he creates, which often causes him to be scorned by his fellow gods.
Add to that the fact that he is a crybaby and you have the perfect victim to bully.

022 sighed upon hearing the explanation, he knew it could only be some stupid shit like this.

There was a time when he stayed by Xions side, which is why he knows about his situation in the godrealm but let's not talk about that now.

Xion looks at 022 with puppy eyes and tugs on his sleeve.

"Please don't leave me. "
He begs 022 with his big, sharp, watery eyes and a small pout. His wolf ears laying flat on top of his head.

022 looks at the big guy, that makes such a disturbingly cute expression and answers him with.


Super short chapter
With a cliffy~

Should I start updating Transmigration of a cold-hearted man ?

I'll keep updating this story too, it would enable me to write on one story every time I don't know what to write on the other.

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