First World 1.2 Duke Orchid

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Victor Alois Orchid⬆️


First World 1.2 Duke Orchid

Throughout history class, Victor made sure to adjust his new body to his standards.

Although the original could already be described as one of the strongest of the nation, Victor wanted to show what being really overpowered looked like.

His past hosts called him their golden finger or cheat, so he guesses he turned into his very own golden finger now. He will use his hard earned powers for himself for the first time. He will become the most powerful and the most overbearing.  Normality be fucked!

He changed his body so he was able to use all magic elements. The original was able to use three kinds of magic elements, Water, Wind and the rare Lightening. The original was already on a legendary level, someone that would have gone down history books due to his incredible talent.

Only a small amount of people had magic in their blood. Most of them nobility with some normal people mixed in. If you had magic in your body, you would be admired by many, in some rare cases some people were lucky enough to have two magic elements. Being able to use three elements happens only every few hundred years. Everything further, like four or more magic elements in one person was stuff from legends.

The male leads were both some of these rare and lucky people that had two magic elements in their bodys.

The reason Silfina targeted Victor and wanted to make him fall for her was also this reason. Having him on her side would be an incredible boost for her after all.

After Victor adjusted his body, to become far too overpowered, he started to look around the classroom.

It just so happened that Victor was supposed to be in the same class as the second male lead, Oswald arthur Palm.

And indeed, it wasn't hard to spot  him.

Sitting at the back of the classroom was the Dukedom of Palm's heir, Oswald Arthur Palm.

As a second male lead, his looks were far above the average.

He was tall, even while sitting. His build was slender with distinct muscles hidden underneath his school uniform. His muscles were bulging at just the right places, showing his strong arms and thighs. His hair was deep black and cut short, highlighting his sharp facial features. But unable to hide his youth and inexperience in life. Oswald's eyes had the Palm family's inherited dark green colour. The parts of his skin that Victor could see were tanned a light bronze.

All in all, he looked like a real-life hormone sprayer!

Victor couldn't help but click his tongue in annoyance.

How come, that in each world there would be at least one male lead whose looks screamed: 'Jump Me!' ?

Shaking his head in his heart, Victor focused his view back to the front of the classroom.

He thought about all kinds of ways to make the protagonists turn worse.

At the end of the class, Victor dutifully made his way to the gardens and softly hummed a tune. After all, he couldn't make the dear little white lotus wait.

He tried to hide his excitement.

While he walked this 'fateful' path, he made sure to check the location of all the main characters in his head.

He saw that Silfina was waiting at the top of the staircase for him to pass by.

Since she wants to play, he would keep her company in her little one man show.

He turned the last corner leading to the staircase and manipulated his inner energy to make her slip. If he used Wind magic, it could be detected and he wants this play to be flawless.

Silfina, who was using tracking magic to locate Victor, was just starting to walk down the stairs. She planned the right moment  were she would act as if she slipped and fall into his arms, when she felt herself slipping down the stairs for real. She panicked at first, but upon seeing Victor turning the corner, she proceeded with her plan.

''Ahh!'' she let out a scared scream, tumbling down the stairs and in Victor's direction.

Just before she tumbled into him, Victor took a step back causing Sifina to fall face first onto the ground.



Victor coldly looked down at the blue haired girl laying before his feet. He didn't try to help her up.

Laying on the floor, Silfina was more than a little stunned.

Wouldn't boys normally save a cute girl like herself, when she falls down the stairs?! Why is this idiot just standing here and looking down at her?! Shouldn't he at least help her up?!

She gritted her teeth in anger and sat up.

Raising her head, she let fat tears fall down her eyes and sniffed softly. Her watery blue eyes looked straight a Victor.

But Victor saw clearly the anger, hate and humiliation hidden in her eyes behind tears.

It took only a second before Silfinas nose, reddened like her whole face from the face planting,started bleeding and ruined her white lotus appearance.

Blood flowed down her nose in a stream, smearing her lower face and clothes bloody.

Add her messed up hair and clothes, she really made a view, just no good one.

From the corner of her eyes Silfina saw Glen walking in their direction and she started crying even more while loudly apologizing to Victor.

''Wuwuwu~ I'm sorry. It's my own fault. I  know classmate didn't do it on purpose...wu~''

Victor looked at her white lotus act, not moving from his spot.

Glen however, upon hearing the familiar crying looked in the direction of its source and quickly stormed over in anger after identifying Silfinas blue hair.

Please comment on what you prefer!

Should 022 lover be a :

- Elven
-a beastman (which kind?)

And would you want:

- systemxhost

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