First World 1.3 Duke Orchid

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I still can't believe that so many people are reading my story and actually like it.
*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*


First World 1.3 Duke Orchid

Seeing the male lead Glen angrily stomping over, Victor couldn't help but ridicule him in his mind. He left Victor no other choice, this kingdoms crown prince was just too stupid, he felt almost sorry for the guy or rather for his parents and this kingdom. He shook his head innerly.

This worlds male lead had the princely looks. He had soft blond, scratch that, piss yellow hair, long enough to hide his ears. His eye colour was a pinkish colour, inherited by members of the Roseville royal family. Glen Edwin Roseville couldn't be described with the word handsome...No, only the word pretty fitted him.

The Rosen kingdoms crown prince looked like a manly girl, not even manly enough to be called a girly boy.

This was was the first thing that came to Victor's mind, the second was 'He would make a great boytoy for older women and men'.

''What do you think your doing!?'' Glen spat out, anger evident in his voice as he glared at Victor. Though his face was too girly to look intimidating.

Without taking his eyes off of Victor, he pulled Silfina into his arms. Silfina continued crying and apologizing: ''Wu~ Your Highness, don't worry it was my own fault. This classmate isn't at fault. I was clumsy and fell down the stairs. Classmate was simply standing there. It's my fault. I am just glad that classmate could save himself, when i almost tumbled into him.''

Silfina looked up at the prince, her expression pitiful.

When Glen looked down at his dear Silfina, his loving gaze faltered and he tried hard not to make a grimace. At this moment, the usually cute and beautiful protagonist had a bloodied face and looked like a hanged ghost.

Glen's knees almost turned weak, so scary was her appearance.

He quickly gathered his wits and glared even harder at Victor.

''Care to explain yourself?! Daring to hurt a fellow student! I should just directly report you for this!'' He threatened. his eyes narrowed at Victor's cold face.

Victor looked back at the prince, not having moved all this while and calmly said in his silky voice: ''Oh? I hurt this student? Your Highness is slandering me. Why would hurt someone at random? And hasn't this girl already said that she fell down the stairs herself? I was just passing by. Is passing by a crime, your Highness? Is your Highness the kind of person that randomly blames people for things that aren't your fault? Even if your Highness is the crown prince, I am a Duke myself. I ask that you treat me with the respect of someone od my rank.''

The iciness in his voice was hard to ignore.

''I...'' Before Glen was able to say something back in defense, Victor continued: ''And you, fellow student. You should change your way of talking. If you talk like this, people will think you're accusing others. At first it sounds as if you are blaming yourself and telling about the other parties innocence, but instead it's pointing the ire of others at them.''

Silfina widened her eyes, her disbelieve evident. Anger climbed up her body and she tried to retort: ''How..'', but again Victor interrupted her.

''Back to your Highness, does your father, his majesty the king, know that you have such close contact with a girl that isn't your fiance? As heir to the throne and someone that is betrothed your Highness should know better than to spend your time with some girl from a low-ranked family. Your Highness should spend his time and effort studying to become a better regent.''

After finishing his long winded lecture, Victor took a breath before letting it out again.

He took out a watch from his inner pocket and looked at the time, before putting it back in his uniform.

''Great, I wasted 20 minutes on lecturing children. Many thanks.''

His voice was colder than the deepest of winters at this point.

He glanced one last time at their sorry figures before walking away to enjoy the last ten minutes of his break.

As Victor strolled to the school gardens, his thoughts wandered from the protagonists hanged ghost face and the little drama to work at he would need to do at the Dukedom. He wanted to bring the Dukedom of Orchid to greater highs and thought of ways to achieve this.

Unknown to at least two of the three characters of this little drama, Oswald had watched this whole exchange, hidden behind a corner. He watched Victor walk away, all kinds of emotions mixed in his eyes, making them seem even darker and deeper. He walked away too before someone would notice him. His mind filled with different things.

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