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[ iv . five minutes later ]
— long chapter

 five minutes later ]— long chapter

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ROGUE AND SONYA stood on the outskirts of the woodlands, the trees casting dappled shadows on the forest floor as the sun began to set. The note had been read between them countless times. World in Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department. It was a clue, they had assumed.

'Where did you find this?' Rogue asked, the note still scrunched in her hand.
'Between the brick,' Sonya said in a hushed tone. 'An hour or so ago. Just through there.' She pointed deeper into the woods. 'Now, I don't wanna have people freak, but I don't think this was left by any of us.' Sonya motioned for the note back.
'Have you told Ximena?'
She shook her head. 'She'd die right on the finchin' spot.'
Rogue's expression betrayed her insistence. 'Sonya, we have to tell her. It'll be even worse if we don't.'
'I know. It's just... World in Catastrophe? It doesn't sound good.' Sonya fidgeted, flicking the note with her index. 
'Yeah, well, between this and the Creepers, at least we know there's a world out there,' Rogue said. 'Where is she now?'
'By the lodge, last time I saw. With Beth.' Sonya folded the paper once more, fitting it into her back pocket. 

Rogue nodded, her mind racing with the implications of the note. Without another word, she gestured for Sonya to lead the way back to the lodge. As they walked, Rogue couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. What did 'Killzone' mean? And who had left the note?

As Rogue and Sonya drew closer to the lodge, Ximena was no longer there. Instead, their eyes fell upon Beth, the girl's posture sagging with weariness as she sat by the entrance. The two exchanged a glance, a simple acknowledgement of the strange tension surrounding Beth. 

'Hi again,' Sonya began. Beth looked up, slowly. 'Where did Ximena go? It's sort of urgent.'
Beth grumbled, her tone edged with irritation. 'She was here a moment ago, then she nicked my flintknapper. Can't finish the lodge now, can I? And Harriet'll get at me. Again.'
Sonya shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond. 'Right. Well, that's not quite what we asked, really.'
Beth rolled her eyes, a sigh escaping her lips as she ran her hands through her grown-out blonde hair, signalling her frustration. 'She's inside.'
Sonya thanked her.

The lodge still lacked a door, or a roof for that matter - its walls, however were supported by a framework of wooden beams. As they entered, the scent of fresh wood surrounded them, mingling with the earthly aroma of the Glen outside. It's residue covered the ground, and sparce tools were scattered on shelves. Ximena sat at the bottom of the stairs, her fingers idly fiddling with the handle of the flintknapper.  She looked up.

'Evening, you two,' she said, standing as they approached her. 'Heard you talking to Beth. Did she say anything about me? She knows better, because we need this.' Ximena presented the tool, flipping its blade between Rogue and Sonya. The flintknapper resembled a knife, with a flat, steel carver and a wooden handle. Beth had constructed it herself. 'If we dent the maze in, we see how it changes. Fancy that, yeah?'

Rogue | Group B → The Maze Runner¹Where stories live. Discover now