Chapter Twenty Eight- Betrayal and Backstabbers

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The blonde boy turned to see his idol staggering down the hall, a beer bottle clutched in one hand. His name was slurred, and the hunter's eyes were glazed over as he regarded Henry.

"Dean?" Henry answered, subconsciously taking a step away from the drunk man. "What's wrong?"

"Noth'n'. Why'd there 'ave to be somth'n' wrong for me t'talk to ya?" Dean answered, his words indistinct. Henry smiled nervously.

"There doesn't! I just... I have to... er... I have to go see Jay," Henry stuttered, turning away and speed walking down the corridor. He didn't notice the soft footsteps behind him, until he was picked up and slammed into the wall. Henry screamed, pain and fear getting the better of him as his toes brushed desperately at the floor. Dean leaned in close to him, his breath smelling of alcohol, his eyes glittering with unrestrained rage.

"We invite you 'ere, int' our house, an' you act like I'm a bloody crim'nal?" the hunter shouted. Henry flinched, cowering away, tears escaping his clenched eyelids.

"I'm sorry, Dean!" he sobbed. "I didn't mean to!" Then Dean's hands were gone, dropping Henry to the floor with a sickening crack. The boy lifted his head, then quickly brought his foot up between the older man's legs. Dean fell to his knees, watching Henry pound down the corridor away from him.


"Nope, nope, nope, no, definitely not..." Jay muttered to herself as she sorted through her clothes. Sam had asked her out to dinner, but, being a hunter, she didn't really have anything suitable to wear. They'd been on a couple dates before, to the arcade and the cinema. But this was dinner. She needed to be classy. She picked up a muddy shirt. "Flattering."

"What's up?" Dean stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame comfortably. He eyed her chest of drawers, one overspilling with underwear, and smirked slightly. Jay flushed crimson and stuffed them back in, slamming the chest shut and glaring at Dean.

"I'm going out with Sam," she regretted her words immediately as Dean's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. "I mean... I... we're..." She trailed off, Dean collapsing into fits of silent laughter. He used the door handle to keep himself upright, tears streaming down his face, head thrown back as he gasped for breath. Jay crossed her arms, glaring at Dean and tapping her foot impatiently. "You done yet?"

"S... s... sorry," he whispered in between breaths. "I just... I... I..."

"Jay!" Henry burst into the room, making Dean jump. The blonde boy stared at Dean, eyes wide in terror, tear tracks staining his face. His eyes were red and puffy, and there were dark bruises on his neck. Handprints. "Please don't hurt me." The words were a whisper, barely audible.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked, thoroughly confused.

"You... you... attacked me, in the hallway," Henry stuttered. Anger clenched Jay's chest as she turned to the hunter, fuming.

"Well?" she snapped, eyes boring into Dean, one hand grabbing her gun. Dean held his hands up in surrender.

"I did nothing, I swear. I haven't seen Henry since Cas..." he broke off, jaw clenching. "Since Cas's disappearing act. I swear, Jay. I swear." Jay narrowed her eyes.

"Get out," she ordered, her words short and curt. Dean shook his head


"Get out!" she screamed at him, pulling the trigger. The bullet embedded in the doorway, inches from Dean's head. "Get out!"

Dean pulled the door open and sprinted into the hallway. Jay sighed. So much for dinner.


Sam straightened his lapels in the mirror. Today was the day he'd take Jay to dinner, since he'd finally gathered the courage to ask her out somewhere half decent. He was wearing one of his suits- the silver one- with a tie that matched his eyes. He ran his hands through his luxurious locks, and stared at the scissors on the table. Should he cut his hair? It was becoming unmanageable, and it was now nearly as long as Mary's was...

The door slammed open to reveal a very disgruntled looking John. Sam automatically grabbed the silver knife off his dresser and threw it at John. Luckily, he stopped at the last minute, the knife cutting his arm instead of his face. John yelped in pain and glared at the taller man.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" he shrieked, throwing the knife on the floor. "You are insane! I have had it up to here with your madness! I will not-" There was a loud smash and John collapsed onto the floor, unconscious, a shattered vase encircling his head like a halo. Sam's horrified eyes made their way up to meet Jay's. The woman before him smirked, and raised her gun.


"Sherlock," the detective looked up from the book he was reading. John glanced at the title of the leather bound volume. "The Book of Common Law. What you reading that for?"

"To gain knowledge, John."

"Are you saying that there are some things that you don't already know?" John gasped. Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm simply-" The sound of something breaking and a muffled thump interrupted him, and Sherlock stood up abruptly. "What was that?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." John smirked, his hand nothing but a blur as he threw a knife at Sherlock's chest.

A/N: hahahaaaaa!!! What's happening? Cookie points if you can guess. What do you think??? Don't you understand that us authors strive on comments? If we don't get them we starve. And it's painful. Have mercy! MERCY!!!


*gasps and dies*

*gets up and bows*

And that was my impression of Loki in Infinity War.

But seriously.

As always, please don't forget to vote. Love you guys xxx

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