Chapter Thirty- Caged

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"Where the hell have you been?" Dean demanded, glaring at the Doctor. "We haven't seen you for weeks! Not since we picked up your friends! Where were you?" The alien's smile faltered.

"I was trying to locate the Angels' hideout," he answered, hurt written on his face at the curt greeting. Amy and Rory appeared behind him, Rory crouching to wake John up and check him over.

"Do you have any idea how much we needed the backup?" Dean growled. The Doctor stuttered.

"Oh, hey guys," Meg strolled into the room holding a slushee. "What's up?" She glanced round the room, frowning. "Where's Cas?"

"It's a long story," Sherlock muttered, pulling John to his feet. "But at least we're all here."

"No, we're not," Sam's eyes were wide. "Where are Jay and Henry?"


"Don't touch me, you shape shifting bastard!" Jay yelled, kicking out at the man holding her. He simply laughed, wrenching open a metal door and pushing her inside. His partner threw Henry in, the boy landing on all fours with a cry. The door slammed shut.

"Henry? Are you hurt?" Jay dropped to his side, checking him over. He had a bruise on his cheekbone. "That filthy little-"

"Jay? Henry?"

The weak call made Jay's head snap up, instantly alert for danger.

"Who's there?"

"It's me, Castiel." Jay gasped.

"Castiel? Are you okay? What happened? Where's Joanna?" she asked in a rush, pressing herself against the metal bars that separated their cells.

"Joanna is-"

"Here," the Nephilim sat in the cell to Jay's other side, fettered to the wall. "Jay, stay away from them. They're monsters!"

"They?" Jay asked, confused. She peered further into the cell. "Who else is there?"

"The name's Crowley. I am the King of Hell," the demon's smug voice replied.

"Was the King of Hell," Cas muttered. Henry gasped.

"Crowley? The Crowley? But everyone said you were dead! That you killed yourself to save Sam and Dean. That you're a hero," he exclaimed, his words tumbling over each other. Crowley's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline.

"Really? That's what they've been saying?" he sounded doubtful. "I suppose Crowley, the Demon Hero of Hell does sound catchy."

"Jay, please, stay away from them! They're tricking you!" Joanna cried. Jay frowned.

"What are you talking about?"

"They're working together, harvesting souls. They're working with the Winchesters. They're going to kill us!" the Nephilim shrieked. "It's the only reason they brought us to the bunker!"

Jay turned back to Castiel. He was chained to the wall, wrists held uncomfortably above his head. She stepped back from the bars, eyeing him distrustfully. Hurt flickered across the Seraph's face, blue eyes saddening. Jay paused. Something here wasn't right.

"If that's true, why are they locked up?" she turned to Joanna. "Why would they make themselves vulnerable?"

"I don't know! I'm not a criminal mastermind!" Joanna replied, green eyes glinting. Cas laughed.

"Yet here you have the Winchester's two most knowledgeable, influential allies, chained to a wall," he countered. "Jay, it's Joanna who's the evil one here." Jay's eyes flickered between the two. She didn't know what to think.

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