Chapter 10

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~Kiba's pov~

I slowly woke up, for some reason it's so comfortable... I groaned and tried to sit up. But I couldn't I looked down to see Kuki was cuddling with me. Some how through the night her arms found their way around me and my arms found their way around her waist. I smiled, things are so much better when we aren't fighting! I sighed, I would enjoy this more if I knew she liked me.... Ugh!!! how am I going to get her to like me?! I don't know why but I'm just know realizing how much I actually love her.... Know that I think about it, the only reason I ever did those pranks on her was only to get her to notice me.... all this time I thought it was hate but no I was wayyyyy wrong!! As much as I didn't want to pull away from this I had to.... I slowly moved my arms away from her and moved her arms away from around my chest and slowly got up. After that I heard Hana call me down stairs.

~Kuki's pov~

I woke up to see kiba was already up. I sat up and got up. I took my shirt off and went to kiba's closet and grabbed a shirt and pulled it on. I started to be nosy and look around his room. I got bored, Ugh!!! he has nothing to do in here!!!.....WAIT!! I lifted up his mattress and under his bed was a bunch of porno magazines. I busted out laughing and said "I knew it!!" I laughed more and grabbed one while looking at these naked girls, I don't roll that way but, I just like to see who doesn't have any self respect these days... plus I'm not going to let kiba live this down!!! I laughed and said "She's a slut....She probably has dad problems.....She has Nooo self respect!!! then I heard the door open and saw kiba entering the room. I was sitting upside down on his bed. I asked "Hey kiba why do you have a bunch of porno magazines under your bed?" He swiped the magazine out of my hands I said "Hey!! I was judging those sluts!!!" He shoved it back under his bed and said "You.saw.NOTHING!!!" I smirked and said "I.saw.EVERYTHING!!!" He said "Please don't tell mom or Hana!!" I chuckled and said "I don't even see what those things do for you." he raised an eyebrow and asked "Well what do you mean?" I shrugged and said "In my view that's like a dog staring at a chew toy steak. It's not the real thing so why even bother?" he stayed quiet I sat criss cross on the middle of his bed and shrugged "Just sayin." he said "Well...." I said "I know that kinda stuff doesn't do anything for girls." he shrugged and said "I guess boys are just more stupid." he stayed quiet for a couple minutes and asked "What does work for girls then?" I looked at him, he had pink on his face I chuckled and said "Most if the time girls can control that type of stuff." he said "But what if they can't at one point?" I smirked and said "If we can't control it at some point then we get the real deal! Not some cheap shit." kiba said oh and nodded I said "By the way I'm wearing your shirt." he nodded and the put food in front of me and grabbed his own food while sitting by me. I said "Since there is almost nothing to do in your room, and I found that stuff under your bed, I assume you do that a lot." he went red and said "Do what?" I grinned and said "Jack off." he nearly choked on his food I busted out laughing and said "You *Breath* DO!!!" I pointed at him while still laughing he said "It's not like you haven't done it!!" I looked at him and said "I haven't done that type a stuff!!!" He shrugged and said "Whatever." I growled and said "I haven't!!! Now that doesn't mean I haven't thought about it!! but I have never under any circumstances have I ever done that to myself!!!!" He rolled his eyes. I growled and said "I'm not like you, were I have no life and instead jack off everynight!" He growled and said "I do not!!" I laughed and said "So you just keep those things to look at them?!" he went quiet I smirked and said "Kiba it's a part of life..A shameful part...but a part..." he smiled I padded his back and said "Just don't leave your shit everywhere." He went pink again. I chuckled and ate the rest if my food and said "Thanks!!" he nodded and finished his food. I got up and went down stairs with him where I saw Hana I said "Hey Hana can I go to my house and get some clothes and stuff since I'll be staying here for a few weeks?" she smiled and nodded. I said "Hey fuckface!! come on!!!" he growled and said "Stop calling me fuckface." I laughed and said "We both know that's bit gonna happen!!" and we walked out the door. After a couple minutes we got to my compound and went in my hyena's came up to me and started to attack me in kisses. I laughed and said "I know! I know! I missed you guys too!!" they where all asking me questions and what not I said "Guy I'm gonna be gone for a few weeks. Okay?" they all groaned but nodded. Me and kiba went into my house he asked "How come they didn't pay attention to me like all those other times?" I shrugged and said "Well you know the last time they almost killed you?" he nodded I said "I yelled at them so yeah..." he nodded then I said "Aye wait here I'm gonna go get my cloths." he nodded and sat down on my couch and I walked away.

~Kiba's pov~

Kuki walked out of the living room while I sat down. Then one of her hyena's came into the house. It looked at me directly and said "Come with me." I got up and followed it. I asked "Where are we going?" he said "The den." I said oh and continued following eventually we came to a cave entrance. Then the hyena said "Follow." I nodded and followed. Then we came up on three bigger hyena's, the were sitting in front of three statues an all the other hyena's sat in two lines on either side of the cave. The hyena that I was following went and took a seat on the left side. While I stood in front of the three bigger hyena's. The middle one which was the biggest out if the three said "Begin." I was about to ask what she meant but soon stopped seeing the statues behind glow green, the green glowing surround the three and soon their eyes started to glow green. The middle ones voice changed and said "You are the Inuzuka Kuki risked her life to save, correct?" I nodded, the right one scoffed "I don't see the lady Kuki's reason for saving this...mutt." I growled and she circled me, inspecting me. The left one said "Come now! Don't be so rude!! He seems like a nice boy!" I smiled, so far this on is my favorite! the right one said "Don't be so naive! For all we know he could just want Lady Kuki for sex and then leave her!!!" the left one said "How could you say such a thing! you haven't even let him speak for himself!!!" The middle one said "SILENTS!!!!" Both instantly went quiet. The middle one said "Inuzuka, It when lady Kuki saved your life twice, why didn't you help her?" I gulped and said "I was too shocked that she even helped me." she made a 'mmmmm' sound and said "What was your reason being?" I said "Because after all I have done to her and what I said in a fight we got into before the ambush, she still cared enough to put her life on the line for me." the left one said "You see lady Kuki may seem very aggressive towards you directly but she doesn't really mean too." I raised an eyebrow the middle one nodded and said "Indeed, The only reason she puts up the walls she has is because of all the pain she has hid over these six years." the right one sat down back with the others and nodded. I asked "Why would she be in pain?" the right one said "Well her whole clan was killed off by her own sister, she sister betray her, she is shunned by the whole village, She has had no one there for her..." I felt my eyes widen. the middle said "Inuzuka, you have strong feelings for Lady Kuki correct?" I felt heat rise to my cheeks, I sighed and nodded while saying "Yes... I love Kuki but she hates me..." the left one said "Nonsense!!" I looked at them the middle said "You see before all this happened, Kuki liked everyone, she wasn't like any other female in our clan. She was nice to everyone. And even thought she was bullied, She made a vow not to hold anything against anyone, and never turn her back on even the people who are said to be monsters. That's why she's still friendly towards Naruto, because she was there for him and he was there for her." wow....i never knew... I looked at me feet. the left one said "Inuzuka, Kuki does not hate you. Her heart just has a wound, and inside she want to cry and scream, But she doesn't. She need some one to help her heart heal along with time." I looked up and said "What are you saying?" the right one scoffed and said "We're saying if you truly love Lady Kuki, you need to break down those damn walls of hers down! Get close to her, gain her trust, and med her heart, so she can finally be her old self..." I felt my eyes grow wide again. the right one said "We want you to be the one to marry her!" then the middle one said "Which means we approve of you, Making her, yours." I smiled and bowed to them and said "Thank you." they nodded the middle one said "But there's one thing you must under stand." I asked "What?" the right one said "Lady Kuki is to fight with her sister Mizu, to the death." The the left one said "There will be a possible chance that Mizu will win the fight." I shook my head and said "I know Kuki will win, I'm sure of it!" they all smiled the middle one said "Don't disappoint us Inuzuka." I nodded and the green glow went back to the statues and then disappeared. The hyena's came around me and started to ask questions and they were all excited that I liked Kuki and what not the the one that lead me here said "Come we need to get back." I nodded and we went back to kuki's house.

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