Chapter 11

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-Kuki's pov-

I came back out to the living room with my duffel bag slung over my shoulder. I said "Okay, I'm good." kiba stood up and said "Alright! Let get back to my place!!" I nodded and we started walking over to his house I said "Oh! and I got some stuff that we can do!" I looked at me and said "Why would you need games and stuff?" I shrugged and said "It'll help with you jacking off problem..." He growled and his face went red, he yelled "I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM!!!" I looked at him with a 'Are you sure?' face he sighed and we kept walking, I started thinking I said "Dude!!! I have to train!!!" he looked at me and said "No! your not well enough yet!!!" I growled and said "Kiba it's not your consern! and I need too! Im in the 3rd stage if the chunin exams!!!" he shook his head and said "Not until your completely better!!" I growled and said "Whatever, like you can stop me." I walked pasted him and into his house where I set my duffel bag down in his room. And closed the door and started to change into my ninja clothes. As I was pulling my shirt down kiba came in he said "Oh! sorry!!!" I shrugged and said "It doesn't matter, I was just pulling my shirt down, so you didn't see anything." kiba nodded but still had pink over his face. I shrugged and said "I'm going out for some ramen." he asked "Your not going to train are you?!" I sighed and said "I might do some light training like throwing kunai, and I might go visit lee." kiba nodded and sat on his bed and I walked out.

-Brief kiba's pov-
After Kuki went up stairs I got a drink and then went up stairs to. I open the door slightly and noticed Kuki was changing. I felt my eyes widen, I should look away but... I can't!! I kept watching and then I finally tore my eyes from her and closed the door. The images kept playing in my head, The way her body looked....every curve..the color of her tan skin..... She truly is perfect.... I sighed and walked back into the room right when she was pulling down her shirt I said "Oh! Sorry!!!" she looked at me and shrugged and said "It doesn't matter, I was just pulling my shirt down, so you didn't see anything." I nodded but felt heat on my cheeks she said "I'm going out for ramen." I asked "Are you going to train?!" she sighed and said "I might do light training like throwing kunai, and then I might go visit lee." I nodded and sat down on the bed while she walk out.

-back to Kuki's pov-

I walked out to the ramen shop me and naruto always go to. When I got there I saw Shikamaru and Naruto. I sat down and said "Hey guys." naruto stopped eating and said "Oh hey Kuki!!!" I smiled and ordered ramen and ate along with them Shikamaru said "We were going to go check on lee, wanna come?" I nodded and said "Yup!" we finished our ramen and started to walk to the hospital. After we got there we started to walk to his room, but thing was as we got closer I felt a very strong chakra coming from lee's room, it was very familiarly.... It acted much like naruto's chakra..wait a sec!!! I felt my eyes widen I started running while saying "Guys!! lee is in trouble!!!!" they nodded and we ran too lee's room and ran in to see gaara with his sand surrounding lee. Shikamaru used his shadow possession on gaara. The sand stopped moving and gaara looked at us, he growled when his eyes laid on me. I squealed and hid behind Shikamaru. He looked almost shock by the fact gaara made me act that way, it's not that he's intimidating or anything, it's just his word get into my head and start to be abusive... Naruto said "Kuki?" I looked at him and then back at lee. I growled and stood up from behind Shikamaru and went in front of him and said to gaara "Leave lee alone!!" he growled and said "You still defend the very people to treated you like a monster!" I growled "Yes. I do." he growled too and said "Why do you do so?!" Just then a voice in my head said 'Remember your vow?' I said back mentally 'huh?' the voice chuckled and said 'When you were a little girl you vowed to hold nothing against anyone, and you were gonna try your damn hardest to be everyone's friend not matter what the other villagers said about them, remember?' I gasped and said 'Yeah....thats why I'm friends with naruto....' the voice chuckled. I said out loud "Gaara I will defend these people with my life! Wether they hate or love me! Because a long time ago I made a vow not to hold anything against the people who bullied me non stop!" He growled, clearly this isn't the answered he wanted. I'm sure I had a smug look on my face I said "And personally if I do happen to have a tailed best inside me, I think that's pretty damn sweet! Because that means I'm stronger then anyone in the village be side naruto, in fact me and him both are stronger then anyone in this whole village! Not because of our beast, but because we've gone threw hell with smiles on our faces, we are 12 year old kids that can control one of the tailed beast! and if you ask me that's pretty badass!!" Naruto smile and put a hand on my shoulder. Gaara said "What a foolish reason." I snorted and said "At leat I don't have problems like you panda boy!" naruto snickers while Shikamaru smirked. Gaara's sand started to remove it's self from lee and started to come towards me. I growled and pushed Naruto and Shikamaru out of the way and the sand caught me and in cased around me I just poker faced, gaara said "How can you be so happy? After all those villagers have done to you!" I shrugged and said "I guess I'm just Ms.Brightside...." he said "I'm going to enjoy killing you." I shrugged in the sand and said "Whatever floats your boat." he growled and said "Your not scared?" I shook my head and said "I have nothing to fear." he growled and started to tighten the sand around me and said "You should fear me!" Naruto and Shikamaru were trying to get the sand off of me. I chuckled and said "I have nothing to fear but fear itself." At that point he just stared at me. His sand loosened around me, he looked like he was in deep thought, he must not be able to comprehend what I'm saying... Eventually his sand went back to his gourd and he disappeared. I was on my hands and knee's gasping for air. Naruto and Shikamaru rushed over to me, Shikamaru said "Man that guy was intimidating..." Naruto nodded and said "What was with that guy!?" I said "He has a sand demon sealed with in him, It's one tails." Naruto gasped and said "He's......just like me...." I nodded and stood up while saying "I need to get to the Hokage's office to talk about something." they both nodded and I went to lee's bed side and brushed the hair away from his face and said "Hope you get better soon bushy brow...." and then teleported out side to the Hokages office. Once I got in the Hokage said "Ah! Kuki, what would you like?" I said "I would like to know if I had a tailed beast inside me." the Hokage's smile vanished, he sighed and said "Yes..... you have The Long forgotten 10 tailed Hyena within you..." I nodded and smiled while saying "That's pretty awesome!" his eyes shot to me. I said "That means I'm strong." the Hokage smiled and asked "Is that all you needed?" I nodded and said "Thanks for the info Gramps!" he nodded and I ran out the door. I found naruto walking and said "Hey! guess what?!?!" he looked at me and asked "What?!" I smiled cheekily and said "I just found out that I have a 10 tailed hyena sealed inside me!" he said "Really?!?" I nodded and said "Yup! I'm a jinchūriki!!!" he laughed and said "I'm glad I'm not the only one." I smiled nodded. After that we went and trained for an hour or so till night came. I went back To kiba's house and entered the house. Tsume said "Oh! hey kuki!" I nodded and said "Back from your mission?" she nodded and said "EYUP!!" I laughed and said "Oh I almost forgot! I found out that I have a tailed beast inside me!" Hana popped her head out from behind the corner and Tsume said "Wow! really!" I nodded and said "And proud!!" I yelled and ran up stairs to kiba's room and barged in. I saw him sitting of his bed petting Kasai and Akamaru. He said "What's up?" I said "The opposite of down! idiot!!!" he chuckled and I smirked and sat down right beside him and leaned back while saying "So I assume your day was good." he nodded and said "Yours?" I nodded Kasai jumped over to my lap. I laughed and petted her kiba said "You seem happy." I nodded and said "Yeah I guess I am." he lightly smiled. He said "You should act this way more offten." I looked at him and said "Why's that?" he said "You just seem a lot more fun to be around and just a lot more happier...Its.....Nice." I smiled and said "I'll try to keep it in mind."he nodded then I said "Im tiered..." He chuckled and then said "Well change then you can go to sleep." I nodded and said "No peeking!" He said "I won't!" and turned around and shoved and pillow over his head. I laughed and grabbed a pair of shorts and put them on. I grabbed one of kiba's shirt and put it on as well, I can't help it! honestly I love the way kiba smells! I don't know why but it makes me want to be around him more just so I can take in his sent. I said "Alright!" he took the pillow off of his head and looked at me and said "Why my shirt?" I shrugged and said "It's comfy." he nodded and said "Know it's my turn! don't peek!" I felt my cheeks heat up and said "In you dreams!!" I put a pillow over my head and heard cloth moving, I lifted the pillow slightly at on corner and saw kiba putting new shorts on, I looked at his upper body and saw how it was toned! Damn! Kiba looks ho-........ No!!!! I was not about to saw that!!!! I was not checking out kiba!!! was I? Nononoononon!!! NO!! I wasnt! a voice said 'You know you were!' I growled an pulled the pillow down over my eyes again. My cheeks still felt really hot, I must be blushing, damn it!! kiba said "Kay!" I put the pillow back down and laid down under the blankets with a sigh. Kiba jumped into the bed and messed up all my comfyness. I whinnied "You messed up my comfyness!!!!" he chuckled and got under the covers. I growled and smack him and said "Jerk." he just chuckled again. At the moment I wanted to cuddle with something, I don't know why but I do. So I looked around and saw nothing except kiba's body, I wanted to cuddle but I had to resist! the voice in my head said 'You know you want to, just do it, he won't mind!' I sighed and scooted closer and wrapped my arms around kiba's torso. He tensed and said "Um Kuki?" I shrugged and said "It's comfy..." I kept looking down I heard a chuckled come from kiba. He said "Alright." and put his arms around my waist. I felt heat explode in my cheeks. One of his arms was behind my head acting as a pillow, this was actually pretty comfy!! I scooted even more close and buried my head into his chest smelling his sent. He said "what are you doing?" I said "Smelling you..." he asked "Why?" I said "Because... I like the way your stuff smells...." more heat was rising. He said "O-okay..." I laid my head down on his chest and began to fall asleep, I'm pretty sure I had a smile on my face when I finally let my eyes shut and I went into the darkness while listening to Kiba's heart beat...

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