Chapter 33

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As we shot through the woods I heard on of my hyena's howl! I stopped on a branch, kakashi asked "What is it?" I said "One of my hyena's found him." He nodded as everyone else landed. I said "Everyone! My hyena's have tracked down Itachi Uchiha. Follow me and stay sharp, most likely he will have his partner with him named Kisame, He is highly skilled and dangerous. So have caution if faced with him." they all nodded and I shot off with them following close behind me. I've heard more of my hyena's howls signaling that more of them have him cornered and are stalling him. After a couple more minutes we came to Itachi and his partner being cornered by my hyena's I said "Down." My hyena's backed off. Itachi and Kisame looked at us, Kisame said "Well look at what we got here." I stayed quiet, Kisame said "How's it going kid?" I smiled, me and Kisame were still good friends! I said "Got promoted to ANBU." He smirked showing his sharp teeth and said "Making me proud." I smiled Naruto asked "Kuki? Are you friends with him?!" I sighed an said "Yes. I am. But that will not stop me from protecting the leaf village out mission is still clear here. Focus on that." I heard Itachi say "Your here for me aren't you?" I turned back and said "Itachi you could make this a easy and just come with us, or we can forcefully take you." He said in a monotone voice "I'm guessing you won the fight?" My eyes widen I asked "How do you know about that?" He said "She told me goodbye before she left to go have the final fight with you." I nodded and said "Yes. I won the fight and Mizu has passed on, but we do have your child safe in the leaf village." He nodded and said "As long as he's safe." I nodded and said "He will be living with Sakura, I also named him after you." He nodded and said "He should be in good care then." I nodded, Itachi activated his sharingan, I said "Guys get ready." Everyone nodded and we all got into fighting stances, I activated my Eyes, Naruto jumped forward and ran towards Itachi, he tried to hit Itachi but Itachi dodged effortlessly. I did hand signs and sunk into the ground and right when Itachi landed I jumped out of the ground and punched him up side the head. He flew back and skidded across the ground, I smirked, He got back up Sakura ran up and punched the ground Itachi jumped back and dodged, He asked "Do you really think that will work? I've studied Every type of healing style, water style, earth style, wind style, even sand style." I jumped in and kicked him right in his manhood! He instantly grabbed the part in between his leg and fell to the ground I said "That's Kuki style! Learn it!!!" Just then Kisame came in with his giant sword, He laughed an said "That was a good on Kuki. but you know pein will have my ass if I let you take Itachi. He's already pissed that you took down Mizu." I nodded and said "It's alright Kisame. I understand." He smiled and nodded before swinging his sword at me, I wasn't fast enough to dodge completely so he unfortunately caught my side, I grabbed my side, man! those shark scales can really do some damage... Sia, naruto, kiba, and kakashi started fighting while Sakura and me hung back because Sakura had to heal me, She said "It looks like he held back when he hit you..." I nodded and said "Seems like Kisame, Me and him are good friends but he doesn't want to kill me, much less hurt me." She nodded with a smile, we stood up and I did hand signs I said "Bladed wind jutsu!" A huge rush of air shot from my hands and towards Kisame and Itachi, Cuts started appearing on their faces and cloaks and big cuts too! I wind died down, I smirked and activated my eyes again. I ran up to Kisame and he tried to look away but I caught him!!! Of corse I wasn't going to is full force on him! He's my bro!! Anyways he fell limp to the ground, while Itachi was fighting the others I grabbed Kisame and lenses him up against a tree, I went into the jutsu I put him under, where I saw him standing, I walked up to him. He hugged me and said "Too bad we're on different sides kid..." I nodded and said "Yeah...But don't worry! We will always be friends!" He smiled at me I smirked and said "Unfortunately that doesn't mean your getting away from getting scared shitless..." He huffed and said "Fine! get it over with already!!" I smiled cheekily and waved good by before surrounding him with tons of fisher men! I heard him let out a Girlish scream before I left him in the jutsu and went back into the real world! I saw Itachi get shoved into the ground right beside me, I smirked but then the smirked faded as I saw he rap laced it with some dead guy.... I looked over at Kisame to see him gone as well! I growled and said "Damn it!" Kiba came up and said "No need to get angry Kuki." I huffed and said "Still... I promised Lady Tusnade I wouldn't let her downs...." Kiba shrugged as said "Well they got away..." I nodded and said to every one "So! who wants to tell lay Tusnade we failed the mission?!" All the blood drained from their faces and everyone backed up, kakashi said "Shouldn't you be the one to do that?" I shook my head and said "Nah! your crazy if you think in going to face her, you can kakashi!" He sweat dropped and nodded. I call my hyena's back and they all poofed away! We shot off back towards the village!!! Once at the gates kakashi went to go face lady Tusnade and the rest of us wondered! Me and kiba walked back to the house and lazed around until we decided to go to sleep... I was laying in my side just about to fall asleep when kiba poked me in the side! I let out a squeal and jolted up, I glared at his smirking far I said "What the actual hell?!" He laughed and sat up too, he said "I'm not tiered!!!!" I shrugged and said "Not my problem." and laid back down, He got close to my ear and said "Oh but it is your problem because your the one who's going to help me use up ALL my energy." I looked at him and asked "Is this going where I think it's going?" he stood up and took off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers, he smirked at me and said "Yes." I sighed and said "Alright pup, Let's do this." He smiled even wider and I smirked towards him as I took off my shirt and pants and tackled him

~Haha! you thought it was another lemon?! HELL NAH!~

(one week later)

I shot up in the bed, I felt sick and ran to the bathroom! I got on my knees and puked into the toilet. Kiba ran in and held my hair out of my face as I puked meh guts out! I lifted my head and wiped my mouth, I said "God...." Kiba knelt down with a glass of water for me to drink, I took it and gulped it down. He looked at my worriedly and said "I want you to go see Lady Tusnade in the morning." I sighed and said "Im sure it nothing kiba! I probably just have the flu or something!" He gave me a 'Really' Face I nodded he said "Your going to see her one way or another kuki." I growled at him and he growled back and said "I guess I'll just get Mom and Hana over here." I snorted and said "Yeah like they could get me out!" He smirked and said "We'll see." and with that we went back to bed!

~Couple hours later~

"I SAID NO!!!!!!!!" Tsume and Hana growled at me as they dragged me by my feet to the hospital. I tried getting away but kiba had caught me and handed me over to them!!! That traitor!!!! The dragged into the main office where Sakura was, Hana said "Hey sakura! were here to see Lady Tusnade because Kuki is very sick." Sakura looked at me and said "But Kuki never gets sick..." Tsume said "Yeah that's why we brought her in." Sakura nodded and lead us to a room, well lead Hana and Tsume while they dragged me down the halls... After we got into the room I say in the bed and after some time Lady Tusnade walks in she said "So. I hear your sick. Which I must say is very surprising for you because not a lot of people from your clan every got sick." I shrugged, Hana and Tsume left the room as Tusnade did her test and glowie palms thing!! After a couple minutes we eyes widen and she yelled "GENMA OWES ME MORE MONEY!!!!" I sweat dropped and asked "Why?" She smirked and said "Because your pregnant!" My eyes widen and I said "Say what?!" She nodded and said "Yeah, Genma said that there was no way you and kiba were getting it on but clearly he was wrong and I was right!!!!!!" I sweat dropped again, Why do they beat on these type of things?! I said "Don't tell anybody alright? just tell Genma you like heard me and kiba or something..." She smirked and nodded I nodded and walked out of the room leaving a dancing Tusnade. I walked out to the waiting room and saw Hana and Tsume there they ran up to me and asked what happened I said "I was right it is just a flu." They both nodded and we walked out of the hospital I went back home and saw that kiba wasn't back yet so I called Hinata over!! She showed up ad I let her into my house, we sat on my couch, she asked "S-So what did y-you want to talk a-about?" I took a breath ad said "Im pregnant." Her eyes widen and she screamed and hugged me! She said "YES!!!" I stared at her, she blushed and said "T-That's great n-news!!!" I nodded.

{Kiba's pov}

I was walking up to the house when I heard a scream it sound a lot like Hinata's!!! I walked up to the door and heard Kuki and her talking! Kuki said "Yeah I just don't know how to tell him, I mean he probably going to freak out and asked how it happened and all that..." I raised an eyebrow, how what happened? I heard Hinata say "W-well... h-he should take it well that their is going to be a n-new person in you life..." Whoa whoa whoa!!!! A new person?! Is she cheating on me?! Who the hell is this other guy?!? I heard Kuki say "I just hope kiba will take the news well and if he doesn't, then he'll just have to accept there's and new person in my life." I felt tears prick my eyes, I ran out if the compound. How could she do this to me?!? I loved her!!! I thought she loved me!!! I ran all the way to shino's house and knocked on his door, He answered and said "Kiba? why are you here?" I huffed and said "Can I tell you inside?" He nodded and opened the door wider and I stepped in. I sat down on the chair ad he sat on the couch he asked "So what's the problem?" I sighed and said "I over heard Hinata and Kuki talking and Kuki is cheating on me..." He looked at me and said "Explain the whole thing."

~After explanation because I'm a lazy bum~

Shino sighed and said "Ask her about it first. You didn't hear the whole conversation so you don't know what they were actually talking about." I sighed, he said "Plus, Kuki loves you too much to cheat on you." I looked at him and asked "How do you know that?" He answered "When we were kids and you started trying to get her to like you I could see the way she looked at you when you weren't looking, ad even now she still looks at you the same way, Her eyes are filled with Love, passion, want, and lust." I sighed and stood up, I said "Thanks shino..." He nodded and said "Any time." I nodded and walked out of his house, I walked through the village and saw naruto at a bar, he said "Hey kiba!!! come and join me!" I shrugged and said "Sure!" I walked and sat with him and we started drinking!

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