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We have arrived on Fan Isle. The island where I may be spending the rest of my life. The island with an entire population of people just like me.

I am so scared.

Trin is way more relaxed- and talkative- now that we're off the plane. She babbles on about how excited and nervous she is, her family that she misses already, her thoughts on what island life will be like.

I listen to her, nodding and mhmming, but I'm taking in my surroundings.

The airport we've landed in isn't very different that the ones back home, except for one thing: no one is leaving.

I find that a little odd but I shrug it off and follow Trin and the rest of the fanpeople from our plane up to a big desk.

Trin and I wait in line behind two short girls from our plane each with tangles of curly red hair. I assume they're twins, but they're quite the sight right next to each other.

Then again, Trin and I are quite the pair ourselves, looking like Gandalf and Frodo Baggins: Trin being tall with long pale hair, me being short with curly dark hair.

In just a few minutes, we, Gandalf and Frodo (I do really like that analogy), are at the front of the line.

A down-to-business looking woman sits at the desk in front of us.

"Name?" she asks me.

"Uh- I'm Freya," I stutter, "Freya Kasper."

The woman types furiously for just a few seconds before turning to Trin.

"And you?" she asks.

"Trinity Robson," Trin says with confidence.

After typing some more, the woman looks back up at us.

"You two are friends, I'm assuming?" she looks at me, then Trin.

I look at Trin, who is nodding happily. An excitement bubbles up in my stomach- I have officially made a real friend.

"I'll make sure that your dorm rooms will be close together, if not next to each other," the woman says, making me even happier. "You can head out those doors and hop into the cab with the two girls who were in front of you. It'll take you to your dorm where you'll check in and head to your rooms. Have a nice day!"

Trin and I exit the airport and find the cab. The Redheads sit in the back row or seats, so Trin and I slide into the middle row.

The driver tells us that our luggage, except for the bags we had with us on the plane, is already at our dorm.

In only about ten minutes, we pull up to our dorm building.

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