Chapter 2: Swarm

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Author's Notes:

OOOO SHIT another update that quick? Hell yeah. I'm hella into this. I'm tryna live up to my hype before it dies down. But yeah, holy shit! I'm honestly reconsidering the ending for this. At first, I kind of planned this as a one shot and base it off that one Hamilton animatic (LAMS FOREVER cri). But.. hmmm I might change it up a bit. Or not. Who knows? *shrugs*

They placed Nurf's corpse in their makeshift grave and buried him. They neared the entrance and David took note of how the windows were boarded up. By the time they got to the mess hall, David was removing his parka and wiping his forehead with his damp shirt. They've done so much in one day and he wanted to get cozy and sleep. But that was impossible. He gathered around the kids and introduced himself to the two boys who stared doe eyed at him, Max and Neil.

Maybe they're still shaken. David felt sympathy for these young souls. He cleared his head then explained their situation. He asked each of them how they found each other and this place. It was a nice distraction from everything. Even Gwen sat in a corner and listened. She participated when the air got thick and needed a new voice to speak up. Space Kid was the interactive one out of all of them. Preston refused to look at them, but couldn't help glancing time to time.

"Wow, the outside world seems hella scary," Max whistled. The other kids nodded in agreement. The brunette leaned back in his seat. These are kids. Where did they learn to speak so vulgar? He wasn't about to scold all of them but it pained him to hold back.

"How long have you been staying here?" he asked. Preston volunteered to socialize and said they've been in hiding since last week. They used to be a group and had adults by their side, but they didn't make it. Some risked their lives to bring the kids to safety. Max mentioned that Nikki—the girl outside—had a mom who looked after them. Then she just vanished one day and left them to fend for themselves. She never came back and no one knew what became of her.

"What have you been eating the past few days?" Gwen spoke up from her corner. They turned to her.

"The kitchen's stocked with canned goods. They won't expire soon." Neil explained. Food? Stocked up? David and Gwen enter the kitchen with Max and Neil leading them. It felt weird to have kids tour you around a place, like they knew more than you. But they did, and Gwen and David are only guests at the moment. He's not sure if they'll let the people who killed their friend stay but he knew the kids needed an adult.

"We've got a stack, actually. We don't mind sharing," Neil shrugged, chucking them a couple canned goods. Oh dear, these children were kind too. "Yeah, good job. With the way you're giving out our food to people like it's some charitable act, we'll lose our food supply to everyone that comes by!" the grouchy kid stomped and left the room. Quite the temper, but the kid's got a point. David raised an eyebrow at him.

"Forgive him. Max is a handful, but who isn't? We've all lost something," he looked down in deep thought. Neil looked like he was reconsidering giving them their food.

"We should get you guys a mat to sleep on. We've only been sleeping on sleeping bags," said another voice. Unbeknown to then, Space Kid had slipped in the room when Max exited. He surprised David by holding and tugging on his hand. Neil led them again to another room. Before he could change the topic, Gwen brought up the elephant in the room. She asked if anyone else actually came by and what happened. Neil spilt the story and said they were a couple of girls who needed to stay for the night. It was drizzling and they came to the cabin to seek refuge. Max had been wary but Neil let them in after seeing they were harmless.

"We gave 'em food too when they left. Who could go out on an empty stomach?" Neil frowned. "I know it wasn't the wisest thing to do. They could be in a group or they probably knew how to fight their way around. They could've stolen our food and supplies. But... they didn't."

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