Chapter 5: Boundaries

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The brunette's eyes flutter open and he groans, back and shoulders sore from spending the night lying on the hard wooden floor. He's greeted with the sight of the cabin's ceiling. His head lolls to the side and his view shifts to a tilted room. A figure lay on the ground, seemingly asleep; the room bathed in fresh sunlight. He pushes himself up to a sitting position and puts a hand to his head, feeling slightly dizzy.

I'm alive. His eyes snap open. His hands roam the front of his shirt and he checks for anything suspiciously sore and painful on his body. Other than his aching shoulders, there was nothing about him that screamed infection.

A smile split across David's face. His gaze lands on the sleeping figure on the ground, chain still dangling from the bed frame ending right at the collar the other man wore around his neck. Ah, right, the reason for him being alive was because of that chain. Had he not tied him to it, his chances of waking up were down to 40%—just cause he still had faith in him.

A little too much faith, it seems. He glides across the floor, careful not to wake the other up. He grins to himself as he sits across from Daniel. He was sound asleep and it was incredible how peaceful he looked. No trace of the virus at all. He doesn't see the monster lurking inside him nor the features a cannibal would possess. If he remembers clearly, Daniel had spat the human flesh. It still irked David to be so curious about the individual. He wanted all the answers but he can't force them out of him.

He can write them out.

David ponders over the idea. Maybe he can actually spend time with Daniel and work his way there. He can even ask about Daniel's past and the events that led to his... demise, all the while feeling his touch on his palm.

He takes in the blissful state the man is in. His gaze trails down from his dry blonde locks to his ruffled shirt, white belt tight around his waist to his curled up feet. Everything about his attire looked so cultish. Bleached white and nothing looked out of place—except the stains due to their situation. He can actually imagine him going door to door, perfect smile trained to charm and prepared to introduce strangers into their religion. At least, that's how far David knew about it.

He imagines a life wherein he'd be behind the door, only to open it to see the most quite attractive man he's laid his eyes on. A shiver runs through him as his thoughts run wild, the subject of said thoughts being right in front of him. He wonders what it'd be like to hear Daniel's voice, to hear him talk and entice him. His eyes fall to his lips. He wonders what could've been if they met under different circumstances.

He jolts and backs away. Oh dear, what am I getting myself into? Stop it! He almost blurts the last words out, desperate to clear any fantasies of him and Daniel out of his head. This was an actual person, someone he's just met—someone clearly not compatible with him in terms of health condition. He's disgusted with himself for thinking such thoughts. Yet, his eyes don't stray away from Daniel.

His heart leaps out of his throat when the blonde's eyes blink open. There's a second where both of them look at each other. David looks away first, afraid to get pulled back in. He hears him sit up. The chain rattles against the metal bed frame.

"Good to see you're awake," his mouth opens, desperate to fill the silence. The look Daniel gives him is suspicious. "Um, well it is morning." David's mumbling again. He looks at anything but him. It's silly to see him like this especially since moments ago, he'd been all too happy to stare at him.

"Did I say thank you yet? Thank you again, for what you did last night," he fiddled with his thumbs. He becomes aware he's left his weapon a couple feet away from him. He looks straight up at Daniel, gauging his reaction. He doesn't move and he holds in his breath, thinking this might be the part where he lunges at him.

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