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When Gwen woke up, the sun was up in the sky. She was lying on her side, with her cheek on the ground. She could feel the gravel dig into her skin. She groaned, lifting her head up.

"Well, hello there. You're a new face around here," a muffled voice filled her ears. She looked around. She saw Neil and Space Kid on their knees, hands up. Gwen followed their line of sight.

A silhouette covered her as another girl stood before her, looking down at Gwen. When she moved back, Gwen realized she'd been holding a blade against her. She blinked and got a clear look at her captor. Her blood went cold. Blonde hair, striking blue eyes. It was so reminiscent of Daniel that she almost backed away. But no, her slightly tan complexion distinguished her.

She also wore a pink gas mask. A sleeveless white shirt and... pink jeans. Her outfit screamed for attention and Gwen felt repulsed by so much colors. The girl pulled down the gas mask around her mouth and exhaled. "I know what you're thinking. Why black boots to go with my attire? Well, for one, I don't need to clean em' when I walk in the blood of my enemies. And two," she flicked her wrist. "Heels make it so hard for me to run. Boots are the next best thing." She spread her arms, grin wide but unwelcoming. Gwen didn't like her. Something told her to leave right now before things turn messy.

"Oh, how rude of me. I haven't introduced you to the group. Sasha, Tabii, Erin?" She clapped her hands. Behind her, three girls emerge, all a dash of white and pink. They execute a curtsy and look down on them. One of them had an eye patch. The other held a shotgun. Gwen sat up and got on her feet. The blonde before her watched her with cautious eyes. Her grin hasn't faltered.

"I'm Jen," she extends her hand. Gwen stared at it suspiciously. Even her nails were polished. Just who the hell is this chick? Gwen eyed her discreetly, from her dirt-stained boots to her tied up blonde hair. To see her doing the same made her red with embarrassment.

"Gwen," she said after a while. She puts her hand out and shakes it.

"And those two lovely lads?" Jen tilts her head, looking over her shoulder.

"Neil. And Sp-" she pauses. "Neil. Both of them are Neils." Gwen says with a straight face. Jen looks at her confused, until one of the girls step forward. The girl with the eyepatch.

"I'm Tabii. It's totally cool to meet new peeps," her voice grates on Gwen's nerves.

"Tabii, lay off! Let Jen do the speaking," the girl with pink eyes and long untamed hair spoke up. She bowed when Jen looked at them.

"Thank you, girls. Tabii, listen to Sasha," she says. She turns back to Gwen and smiles, this time, less toothy.

"We welcome you to our camp. It's not often we get visitors, but when we do, they're usually..." Jen makes a slicing motion against her neck, still maintaining that smile. She laughs heartily. "You get my point. Come! You must be parched or hungry. Your Neils can come too," as Jen turns away, Gwen's quick to catch the disdain in her expression. She certainly didn't like this bitch, but if there's food and water, they could probably stay for a few days before finding a way back to their camp. They didn't even know where they are.

Neil and Space Kid huddle close to her as Jen and the three girls walk them through their new camp. Neil tugged on Gwen's shirt, urging him down. "They're the girls. They're the ones who came to our camp before you guys and asked for shelter. I gave them food when they left. Do you think they recognize us?"

"How would I know? Make sure they know who you are, if so. They could repay their gratitude by helping us out. But..." Gwen's eyes follow the tall girl with blonde hair. "Don't trust that bitch with the mask. I don't like her." Neil nods.

. . . . .

It was on a random day that Gwen was reminded of what pain felt like. How emotional hurt could break someone. As they were scouting the forest, they ran into a group of corpses. On their way back, a few managed to follow. Erin was shooting them down but her bullets soon ran out. Jen swung her axe. They arrived at the safety of their camp but something made Gwen freeze. The rattling of chains sounded so familiar that she just had to find the source of it. Beyond the trees, far from the corpses that were coming after them, there stood the familiar white clad man. The collar glinted in the light, taunting her. Gwen felt herself choke.

And by his side, Gwen's long lost friend. He was David but... also not. His open wound proved him that he wasn't... him. Gwen could slaughter these corpses just to get to them—to get to where David is standing right now. How she longed to hug him again. David! But Jen's hand clamps on her shoulder, tearing her gaze away from them to look at her in surprise.

"Are you deaf? I said get inside, now!" muffled voice rang out as the gas mask blocked her mouth. Jen swung her axe but it didn't hit Gwen. It hit the corpse who was a few feet away from her. Gwen nodded as Jen urged her back. Yet she couldn't help glancing behind her, trying desperately to catch the familiar red hair and green eyes. Gone. She pulls up the gas mask they've been given ever since they got accepted into camp and follow's Jen's orders back into camp.

From the other side of the forest, David retreats with Daniel. Something about the girl who looked at him with so much emotion hit him. She looked familiar too. Someone in his past life, perhaps? But David couldn't deny the way his stomach turned when they met eyes. He knew her, yet he didn't. As Daniel pulls him away, he promises to try to see her more—this girl with the purple eyes and the black gas mask. She also wore a familiar olive green parka. Something about her screamed familiarity but... David just couldn't put his finger on it. They retreat into the forest, away from danger, away from the monster that is Jen. 'Cause David remembered her; remembered Daniel's history and how this girl plagued him. Seeing the wrath churning underneath Daniel's skin, David knows it's time to get him far away.

There will be a perfect time to strike. But now's not the time. Not when he found someone who he feels should mean something to him. David and Daniel leave their camp. They hold each other's hands as they guide the other away from the devil. They were going to face her someday, that viper. She's got her teeth sunken deep on those poor mice, waiting for the venom to destroy them from the inside. They'll get her hopefully when she's vulnerable and weak. And David can't wait to see that bitch crumble and fade for what she's done to Daniel.

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