Chapter 10: Dawn

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Author's Notes:

Well damn, this came way too late Consider it as a 2019 present? Anyway, this... has been real fun with you guys. The story definitely got me into writing again, and I will not let go of this fandom just yet. Hoping to write more this year, whether it be danvid or another fandom. But anyway, this was super fun to write and um... quite emotional too. I legit laugh and cry as I type all this down, ugh, back to the topic.

I reaaaally don't know if I can write a sequel? Like, I want to! I seem to have it all plotted down but... maaan idk. I just gotta think hard about it. So for now, more angsty danvid for y'all. Thank you all for reading and commenting! I feel y'all's pain TT-TT I cri for too. Some of you are hella awesome, with your words and support. This end of the year has been a blast. Till we meet again soon?

When he enters the cabin, everyone's eyes are trained on him. Gwen's the first one to approach him, taking his arm slowly. When David eyes her suspiciously, she almost hesitates. There was a quiet stillness around the room; a tension that can be cut by a blade.

"Let me. I need to disinfect the wound and wrap it," he sees her grow uneasy when she mentions disinfecting it. David nods and lets her escort him to the mattress where the first aid kit waited for him. He turns his back on the kids as he takes off his shirt. He can practically feel Max's glare burning straight through him. He lets Gwen dab a cotton ball on his skin with disinfectant and he hisses at the discomfort. She wraps a bandage around it. He's thankful of her precision and steady hands. He's been shaking ever since he walked out of the cabin.

"Thank you," he says quietly. Gwen sits beside him, hand on his knee. She nods acknowledged and helps him put the shirt back on. Once he's all covered, he turns to the remaining members. Hold on a sec, he makes a quick headcount. His eyes dart around the cabin. "Where's Neil and Preston?" he asks.

"Yeah, about that," Max starts with a shaky voice. With David's heavy attention on him, he shifts in place uncomfortably. "I sort of made them come after Space Kid."

"Space Kid was the only one I found," Gwen stands up. "Max." She says warningly.

"I'm sorry! I thought I—wait," the boy furrows his eyebrows. "You didn't find them?" At the same time, something dawns on them as it did on David. Oh no, he could feel himself crumbling. They've messed up so much in a day. For this to pile up...

"We can't leave them out there," David says.

"For all we know, they're probably dead!" Max looks away and rubs his arms self-consciously. David wasn't blind. He knew Max felt more than guilty and wished for more than anything for that to be false. David could see Max's pessimism eat at him.

"We could grab a couple flashlights." David races to the windows. He sweeps the broken shards away with his boot and momentarily worries if Space Kid got hurt in the process. He puts that thought aside as he looks out and sees the orange hue of the sun setting.

"What if they're too far out to hear us?" Gwen speaks up. "It'll take us till night to go around looking for them." The doubtful tone in her voice didn't go unnoticed. The brunette turns to her unpressured.

"Then once it's dark, they'll see the flashlights," he's stalking across the room rummaging through their packs for the materials. "Gwen, don't give up on me now. Those kids are counting on us," he says. He grabs one and tosses it to Gwen. "We did it for Max. We can do it for Preston and Neil too." He looks at her hard. Once he gets the affirmative nod he's been waiting for, he grabs the other flashlight and his bat.

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