Chapter 4: Bond

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Author's Notes:

"One-shot", he says. "It'll be short", he says.

Never trust me with things like that. But anyway! Diarrhea's been a bitch. And yeah, yay! 

More stuff! Don't get too attached cause hMM.

Also um, incoming sort of necro fluff?? IDK MAN  

David swivels around in one place, machete held up in defense. His frantic gaze touched every square inch of the forest. It's impossible to calm his nerves when he could be human dinner at that moment. He's telling himself to be ready for any incoming attacks. There's no way for that man to be quiet in an area like this. He must've slipped away when David opened the door and walked out.

But why disappear all of a sudden?

Maybe that was it. Maybe he did want to eat David and he was smarter among the rest. He lured him in with kindness, visited him to drive him insane, and now he's baited him into his trap. David held his breath in, waiting for his ears to pick up on any foreign sound.

He squints at the darkness. Nothing. The best way to handle this is to go back to their cabin, secure their door with more than just a chain, and wake Gwen up. He should not pursue this mystery man. David sucked at following rules, even his own. He roamed around the cabin slowly, making sure to inspect every inch in front of him to prepare himself for a surprise attack.

It's not until he did a 180 around the cabin did he spot him. He stood idly as if he was patiently waiting for David to round the corner. The blonde didn't move. Neither did David, so he stayed where he was, holding the machete. Seconds ticked by where they stood like statues. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of David's forehead. This is ridiculous, he thought as they both had a stare down.

"Um, why are you back here?" He asked. David wanted to smack himself in the face. The heat in his face bloomed with every awkward second that passed.

The blonde man looked down, unsure and lost. Didn't he understand David? He looks back up and slowly offers up the chain to him again. Just like that morning. David gulps, looking around like this was all a joke and someone was watching this spectacle play out. He saw no ill intention on the other's face. David gripped his machete, feeling his resolve break.

"Why aren't you uh," he stuttered, "why aren't you biting me or anything?" He wanted the ground to open up and eat him alive. Holy moly, is this for real? David chanted in his head. He felt embarrassed in front of someone who could kill him in any second but chooses not to. Technically, David could kill him first 'cause he was armed but for some reason, he can't find it in himself to be the merciless killer Gwen taught him to be.

The other man unrelentingly offered the chain. Dropping the machete, David strode toward him and took the chain. He raised his weapon and pointed it at the other's neck, scared he'd launch at him the moment he came close. Instead, he saw the other stiffen visibly—a human reaction to fear. It was the reaction David was looking for. No corpse would react to being threatened. This man was very much alive, but somehow still infected.

"How are this?" David asked, concern lacing his voice. He never knew what it felt for those who succumbed to the infection. The bite, he was sure that did more than sting. It hurt. But afterwards, what became of the people? Did the life leave their bodies as the virus took hold?

Or were they still there?

This man could be the answer to his questions. If these people were still alive but being unwillingly controlled, they had a chance. If there was a cure, they could bring them back! It could undo the apocalypse!

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