Chapter 3: Fortify

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Author's Notes:  I'm sorry this took quite a while to make. S c h o o l. Anyway, this fic is actually turning out pretty good? Hopefully I don't get too attached though. It's a bad thing getting attached .__.

OKAY. Onto the story!  

The only logical reaction to everything that has happened was to run. David's feet betrayed his thoughts. It's not the first time fear froze him in place. In fact, he should be immune to the feeling by now, considering the countless times he has been victimized by it. But no, it still happened. And David's stomach did back-flips.

"Um, am I supposed to thank you?" The chain in his hand doubled the weight on him. The air between them suffocated David. It was the most awkward situation he ever found himself in. He let out a tense breath when he accepted the fact that this one did not plan on infecting him anytime soon. There's something in his actions that seemed almost graceful. He moved slowly but also precisely. He had no interest in biting David.

Of course, the man in front of him only stared at him. He cannot formulate words, much less reply verbally. His eyebrows moved the tiniest bit, like he was trying to form a certain face. Duh, I just saved your life, it seemed to say. David's heart rate sped up. This being is certainly different from the others. This discovery scared him. He needs to tell Gwen.

"Um, thanks for doing this—" the brunette gestured to his clothes that were smudged with dirt, "it's-uh, it really helped," he stuttered. What does one say to a dead person after said person helps you from becoming human lunch? His hand slowly drops the chain and sees him watching, eyes following the motion.

"I... um," why did he feel nervous all of a sudden? His conscience prevented him from leaving the man who just helped him. It would be a rude thing to do, despite the circumstance. "I really have to go back. My friend might be worried sick," he stepped backward and waited for a reaction. The blonde's gaze never left him. He felt a chill up his spine. Despite his help, he was still wary of the other.

He surprised David more times than any ordinary corpse could in a day. Nobody can blame him for putting his guard up, even after putting it down dangerously around a threat. He keeps walking backward until he is sure there is enough space between them, and he turns and runs back to the cabin. The area was cleared thanks to Gwen, but she was nowhere in sight. When he neared, he looked around for any sign that she'd been taken away by force. He rounded a corner and stilled as a machete halted in mid-air in front of him.

"Oh my god, David! You're alive!" He was tackled backwards when Gwen launched herself at him. They hugged briefly. Then the full force of her hand hit him square in the cheek. He has no time to recover before being pelted by Gwen's ranting.

"You completely ignored everything I told you!" and "You could've been dead for all I know!" and "Don't stray off like that. If something happens to us, there's no going back to undo it." Her shoulders drooped and David felt the crushing guilt suffocate him as tears rolled down her cheek. He opened his mouth to say something—anything, but Gwen angrily wiped them away.

"I'm sorry," came his meek reply. Her hardened gaze on him softened.

She laid a hand on his parka, running over the dry blood stains. She yanked him forward and thoroughly inspected his arms and shirt. David had no idea how to explain everything that happened, but he reassured her two-hundred percent that he was unharmed. She checked him a second time. She relaxed when David was true to his words. The duo started walking back, leaving the bloody mess behind them.

"You're going to have to wash that up," Gwen threw over her shoulder as they entered the cabin. She removed her finger-less gloves and fixed her hair again. The kids threw him suspicious glances but after clarifying that he was definitely not bitten, they let it go.

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