My Baby|Barry×Savitar×Reader

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If you are not too busy, can you make it to where the reader is pregnant with Barry Allen's child and Savitar kidnaps her? Make it a crossover with Supergirl, Arrow, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow. But please only do this request if you are not busy. I would also like to personally say your writing and ideas are amazing.
My feedback:
Thank you! I will gladly do this request for you!! I love you, and I'm glad you like my writing!

"It's a girl!" You scream in excitement.
You continue cutting the cake as it revealed the pink dye.
Everyone soon echoed throughout the entire room of cheers, relieved that it wasn't a boy.
"Name her Sara!" You could hear Sara tease from beside you.
"Oh, hush you." You giggled.
You can feel Barry snake his arms around your belly as he kissed your cheek.
"We'll figure out the name later." He smiled.
"For now," Cisco said. "Let's eat cake."
Barry took your attention on Cisco as a chance to put his freezing hands on your warm neck. You squealed at the sudden chill, accidentally hitting him in the face.
"Oh! Barry, I'm so-" you began to say. " I'm not."
Your smirk made him smile, knowing you already figured out it was him.
You only chuckled as you turn around to cut the cake for everyone. It was only then you saw a weird streak enter the room.
"Uh.." You mumbled.
Barry stood up quickly, same as Cisco and Iris.

"Savitar!" Barry hissed.
"Flash." Savitar said.
"You're not welcome here." Iris growled. "Especially here!"
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Savitar mumbled.
"Excuse me?" You spat. "Don't you even try sa-"
Everything went black. You weren't knocked out, you just couldn't see. In less than a second everything was gone. You weren't at home with the family, and you definitely weren't with Barry.
"Savitar, I know you're here." You rolled your eyes. "Take me home."
"I'm sorry." He said. "I love you."
"Just because you're my Barry from the future doesn't mean I care for you. Besides, you don't kidnap people you love." You growled.
"I couldn't let you die with the rest of them." Savitar said.
That made your stomach hurt and you started walking up to him. He wasn't in his suit, and you could see his face. His eyes. He's just staring you down.
He flinched as your hand met with his cheek. You could even hear him hiss.
"Amazing how you watch my every move, but you still didn't see that coming." You say.
Savitar let out a growl as he tied you up in a chair. You didn't realize your body shaking until you were trying to stay still and look bold. Which completely failed.
"Funny how you were so brave at first, but now you're just scared shitless." He smirked. "This is just the start of all I could do to you."
"Oh, please. I used to be scared of you. But that's all over." 
"Just leave me alone." You sighed. "What are you gaining from this?!"
"You're noisy. Be quiet." He grumbled.
"You're in no position to boss me around."
It wasn't long until he left your sight, leaving you in the darkness. No one else was here. It was just you, your baby bump, and your thoughts. 

"Why could he be doing this?" Kara asked.
Barry looked over to Kara, not understanding a word she said. More of...not hearing a thing she said. He's been like that for hours.
"Well, what would you do if you got a box full of items you've lost throughout your entire life." Ray Palmer asked. "Except..that box is (Y/N)."
"My will to live!" Mick said. "I haven't seen this in fifteen years!"
"Mental old friend." Stein mumbled just enough for Ray to hear him.
"Guys, can lighten up a little?" Ray sighed.
"I don't know, Ray." Kara said. "What would you find? If you were him, of course."
"Barry! You are him. Or.. he's you. From the future. Is there anything you regret?"
"I don't know.." Barry said.
Without another word, Barry left the room in a mopy aura. Everyone watched him go, but none of them made a peep.
"We gotta do something." Oliver said.
"Like what!? Savitar is faster than all of us. No offense, even faster than you, Wally!" Cisco said.
"I should have seen this coming.." Iris mumbled. "He's been in love with (Y/N) for years."
Iris sat down with her hands on her head. Everything was falling apart. No one could figure out what to do.

"W-We should be out there looking for her!" Wally said.
"How? Where are we going to look? We have no idea where they are!" Cisco replied.
"There is no point in arguing." Sara snapped. "Get your heads in the game!"
Everyone groaned in frustration and shook their heads. Everyone besides Mick, of course.
"How the hell are you so calm all the time?" Jax rolled his eyes at him.
"The trick is to be so stressed that it becomes your default state of mind." Mick said. "Why, who's asking?"
Jax rubbed it off and left the room, being followed by Caitlin.
Oliver, Thea, and Felicity were in the MedLab with Barry, trying to calm his senses. It didn't seem to be working.
Iris could still see Barry growling, mumbling words, and his face was still red.
"Guys! Guys!" Cisco said. "I'm getting something."
"What is it?" Stein asked.
"There's some sort of weird energy down by the waterfront." Cisco explained. "You guys should go. All of you. It could be him."
"We're on it."
Barry didn't hesitate without the teams and just ran off, leaving them all behind.
"We'll just meet him there." Sara shrugged.

(Your P.O.V)
"Name a vegetable that is kind of cool." You smiled, knowing you're getting on Savitar's nerves.
"For the last time sh-"
"A radish!" You squealed.
Savitar didn't show any sort of expression, which sort of bummed you out because you know Barry loves your silly jokes. And since this is technically the same person, you know something had to be killing him inside.
"I know you're supposed to be an evil jerk and all, but dude, you need to lighten up a little." You sighed.
"Just stop talking. According to my memories, Barry should be here in just a few seconds."

Part Two coming soon :)

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