Chapter 9: Punch to the Beat

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Neptune and the other CPU's and there candidates were getting ready to go out to Leanbox for a concert by the famous singer in Gamindustrie 5pb, Vert gave them invitations to go to the concert.

IF: Alright, is everyone ready to go?

Compa: Already Iffy!

Neptune: Not ready! I didn't even finish my pudding yet!

Neptune shouted as she was eating pudding while the others sigh from it, then Nepgear walked towards the group.

Nepgear: All set, and sis I think you finish eating the pudding when we get back, the concert is gonna start soon.

Neptune: Oh alright, just wish the author would just let me finish my pudding...

Peashy: Pudding!


Meanwhile at the concert on the back stage, 5pb was walking back and fourth a bit frustrated and a bit worried.

5pb: This is bad, I had a hole week trying to think of a new song but instead I was too busy watching Nepflix...

Then one of her co-worker walked in as to ask her to get ready for the concert.

Co-worker: Miss 5pb, the show is about to begin in a few minutes.

5pb: O-Oh, uhh I'll be there in a sec.

She said as the co-worker left the room, 5pb started to get more worried on what to sing for the big concert here in Leanbox.

5pb: Come on Pb think!

Then her thoughts were interrupted as the vent from the ceiling broke, a few group of figure looking guys wearing all black from head to toe suddenly surrounded her.

5pb: W-What the...w-who are you people?

Then one of the guys put tape on her mouth as the rest pin her down and tie her up, 5pb tried to scream for help and try to escape put it was hopeless.

Guy1: Alright, we got the girl, let's head back

Guy2: Hehe, this was too easy, were gonna be rich in no time!

One of the black figure guys picked up 5pb as he carries her on his shoulder while she was trying to move around to get out.

Guy1: Hay! Stop moving so we can go and get paid!

5pb: Mmmph! Mmmn!

Then the group left with 5pb struggling to escape from being tied up unseen...well except for one person, this person was a guy wearing normal blue pants and wearing a jacket that says "Oppai" on it.


Meanwhile the CPU's and there candidates arrived at the concert with a lot of other people waiting to see 5pb sing her beautiful music to everyone.

Noir: Wow, is it me or did a lot more people show up for 5pb's concert?

IF: 5pb is the most famous singer ever in Gamindustrie, no one could top her, its no surprise that more people would show up.

Compa: I'm starting to get crowd sickness...

Then Vert started to wonder through her mind as to start to realize something's a bit odd, this got Nepgear's attention.

Nepgear: Vert, you okay? You look like your trying to figure out something.

Blanc: Yea, you've been spacing out for a while...

They caught Vert's attention as she turned towards them.

Vert: Oh, its just that...the concert should've started a few minutes ago...5pb is not the person to be late on her concert...

ONE PUNCH Neptunia (One Punch Man Male Reader x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now