Chapter 12: Yandere Soldier

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Noir was in her basilacom in her home nation named know PlayStation? Anyway, she was in her working room doing some paper work and keeping up reports of what's going on in her nation, Tusundare girl sure love those paper works because I don't.

Noir: Jeez, these paper work isn't getting any smaller...I want to hurry up so I can finish making those outfits for the next cosplay event...

Then her twin tail military enthusiasts sister walked in the room with more paper work in her hands, she approach Noir as she set it in down on her desk.

Uni: Her are the reports Noir, they just came in today.

Noir: *sigh* thanks Uni....

Uni: You okay sis? You don't look so good....

Noir sigh in response to Uni's question as Noir lay her head on her desk exhausted from all the paper work she been doing...I mean for crying out loud doing a shit load of paper work isn't fun.

Uni: I-I guess about you go and rest up? I'll continue the paper work for you.

Noir: No its fine, I'll finish these paper work even it'll kill me...

Uni: Well...don't push yourself okay? I don't want to see you collapse on floor again like last time...

Uni said sweatdropping and remembering of her sister collapsing on the floor in the middle of the night outside her room, Noir also remembered what happened as she sigh.

Noir: *sigh* Yea I know, I'll try not to overwhelm myself this time....

Uni: Oh umm Noir, can I ask you something...?

Noir: Huh? Ask me about what?

Uni: About Y/N...

Noir then had a flash of image of you in her head as quickly blushed and started to be honest you are the only closest male to her so she can't help it, besides she's Lonely Heart for a reason.

Noir: A-About Y/N? W-What about him...?

Uni: Will its just-....wait, did you just studdered Noir?

Noir: W-What?! No I-I didn't studder, I-I was just shock that mention Y-Y/N a-all of a sudden t-that's all!

She said as she studdered her words more, Uni got confused of why her sister is studdering so she just ignored it....for crying out Uni your sister has a crush on Y/N.

Uni: A-Anyway, the reason I'm bringing him up is that rumours are starting about him.

Noir: Rumours? About Y/N? Why?

Uni: Don't you get it? Y/N had been doing most of our work out there in Gamindustry, killing monsters, stopping bad guys, people are saying the his the New CPU and because of this our shares are decreasing slowly, but if this keeps up we won't have any shares left....

Noir: ....

Noir sat on her chair behind her desk as she sat in silence as she was thinking of what to do, she knows your not s terrible person but a complicated one...other then that she knows that your just trying to help people because well....

Noir: know Y/N isn't a bad person, he just wants to help people, that's why his doing this...I know our shares our decreasing of what Y/N is doing yes....but deep down, he just wants to help....

Uni: Well...yea, I know....he even told us and the others that his not from this world, he said his a hero from his world...and its not like we have enough of those here....

Noir: Listen, we'll have a meeting about this Neptune and the others, I'm will think of something about all these rumours about Y/N

Uni: Okay....speaking of Y/N...I wonder what Y/N is doing now....

Noir: Who knows, probably doing what he does be nice to be with him for once....

Uni: Huh? You say something sis?

Noir: W-What? Uhhh, no I-I didn't say anything...anyway, I'm going to continue to try to finish these paper work....

She said with a blush on her face as she started do those stacks of paper work on her desk....Tusndare girl sure loves those paper work...and you.


Meanwhile Somewhere Else


K-Sha: Come back her so I can kill you!

Y/N: You ain't getting my buns bitch!

K-Sha: Grrr, Noir belongs to me! I will never let a boy like you get close to my Noir!

Y/N: For the last time I'm not her boyfriend!

K-Sha: Gahhhh! Die!

She then started shooting you with akimbo SMG's as you ran away from her in rapid speed, you were running so fast you made a few after image of yourself and making a few sonic booms behind you every time you break the sound barrier....and for some damn reason, she did the same thing too...I tell you man these Yandare girls, they do anything to keep there lover to themselves.

K-Sha: Noir is mine forever! Forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever......

She keep saying the word "forever" as she keep shooting you down with her akimbo SMG's, of course she every single shot missed you.

Y/N: Please stop shooting! Your bullets are hitting buildings and cars

K-Sha: You want me to stop shooting then how about you die!

Civilian1: Gahh, I've been shot in the knee-cap!

Civilian2: Medic! This guy took a bullet to the knee!

You heard people from the background scream in panic as K-Sha continues to shoot at you but miss every time she shot at you, you had to stop her from hurting these people so there's one thing you need to do...Karate Chop her!

K-Sha: Stop running Damnit do I can kill you!

Y/N: I'm right here

You said in a straight face with a blank expression as you appear right behind her in a blink of an eye, K-Sha didn't react in time as you Karate Chop her to the ground making her pass out...good thing you hold back, any harder she would've turn into pieces.

Y/N: Well...that was least no body got killed...

You said as you look around your surroundings examining the chaos and destruction from K-Sha's rampage.

Y/N: Crap....well not my problem, time to go home.


I hope you guys still enjoy this book, big fan of the neptunia series so I'm not going to abandon this book, until then ill see you in the next Chapter, bye-bye!

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