Chapter 17

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Chelsea POV~

'I wish none of this happened and we were still on the plane!'

Sadly, we don't always get what we want... its not a dream, no matter how much I wish for it to be, it never will, I cant change that. I just wish Charlie could be here... maybe some wishes do come true! There he is... he looks worried sick! Lauren or someone must of told him I was missing, he cant see me as I'm in this little tunnel, I try to call for him, but somehow the words wont come out my mouth... its as if I'm... dreaming? But I'm not! I keep pinching myself but I still see his wandering the park, searching for me, eventually he finds me, he starts crying, lifts me into his arms and starts running, as if something has happened, he is carrying me home... I could just walk! But I still cant manage to. We eventually reach our little town house and Charlie busts the door open, we walk in to find Lauren with blood down her nose, Charlotte with blood on her fists, Jess holding back Charlotte and Leondre wiping down Laurens nose.


Charlie lays me on the couch and grabs a fluffy blanket to put on top of me.. but.. why? Leo stands up and asks what happened to me.

"I.. i don't know! I found her at the park and she is freezing! She must of been so cold outside in this weather! its like 10°Celsius outside!" Charlie tells Leo. Am I really freezing? I don't feel it!? Eh, Charlie is giving me a lot of attention so I guess its OK! Am I and Charlie still together? We don't really act like a couple? I'm still dreading the day we have to leave, we are in early morning on day 4! All us girls have only known the boys for a few days... but it feels like forever, since we have known them since they were on BGT! I got so lost in my thoughts I completely forgot about Lauren and Charlotte! And about me going home... I don't want to leave Charlie! NO!

Jess POV~

I realised something! I cant send Chelsea home! Not unless they cause real trouble like Katie did! What Chelsea did caused no harm! Everybody got home in one piece! Yeah there is a few relationships here and there, but what harm does that do? I went to fund Chelsea to tell her the good news, but I couldn't find her anywhere! Then I heard shouting from the living room, I run in to find Charlie and Leo in the doorway, their mouths dropped to the floor, Lauren lying on the ground, blood spilling out her nose, and Charlotte stood up, blood all down her fists, tears dripping down her cheeks. Now that's what I mean by trouble...

Another short chapter again, I know :( Been really sloppy at updating lately! Should Charlotte be sent home? Do you like her or not? Should something TRAGIC happen to Charlie? Or Jess? Or Leo? Or Chelsea? Or Lauren? Or Charlotte? Or nobody? YOU CHOOSE! I want you guys to be part of my chapters! Thank you for reading my beautiful Bambinos! YOU ARE THE BEST! I LOVE YOU XXXXXXX

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