Heart Burn -#9

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K E H L A N I' S

Stepping outside I found Blue and Kylan on the wall in a heated session.

I gape at my sister, as Draco just sniggers causing them to jump away from each other.

"Kylan Tarent." I place my hands on my hips, not hiding my amusement as she awkwardly looks away.

"You work pretty fast Blue." Draco speaks up.

"Why don't you shove your words up your a-" Kylan slaps his hand.

"Are you guys ready to go? Or do you need extra time?" I tease, wiggling my eyebrows.

"We're ready!" She responds quickly leaving Blue behind and I snigger.

We all get back into the vehicle, Draco and I smug as the two stare out their window.

The ride was quiet and I feel a nudge. I turn to find him staring forward but I trail down to find the Aux cord.

I take my phone from my pocket pushing the plug in a searching for a good enough song. I come to a conclusion that he's a boy so he must love this song before playing Stir Fry.

I was absolutely right.

Blue was the first one to start screaming the "Woos" as Draco said,

"Dance with my dawgs in the night time!"

I was too busy laughing my butt off as they rap line by line. We do this with each and every rap some I have in my phone before we arrive home.

"Thanks for tonight." I step out and they do also. Blue moves over to Kylan, speaking lowly to her while I stare mindlessly at Draco.

"You're welcome M'lady." He smiles and I play with my shirt. "You know these past few days have been going surprisingly fast when I'm with you." He scratches his neck and I smile softly.

"It has. ." I barely think of Levy, I dont add that part because I thought it would he weird mentioning that to him.

He came to me at a time that I really needed it, if not I'd probably be in my room passed out on my bed or bathroom floor.

I frown at the thought and he sighs, bending his head backwards, like he was thinking hard about something.

"What is it?" He gives me a small smile before shaking his head.

"Its nothing, I just remembered I have a test tomorrow." I know the feeling. "Blue you ready?"

Blue grunts out a no, Kylan and him holding hands as they talked to each other.

Even my sister's love life seems better than mine and its only been a few hours.

"You're uglier than a trolls butt so I don't know why you're still talking!" She exclaims although a smile etched on get face and he grins kissing her hands before he walks towards us.

"Later." He nods to me and Draco just waved as usual, looking a bit indecisive as he walks to his car.

"Tell me everything!" I hide my disappointment from my failing relationships, just to see my sister smile, maybe it just isn't for everyone.

× × ×

D r a c o' s
P o v


Dude. You waved at her."

"And?" I raise an eyebrow and he scoffs. "Blue she just got out of a relationship, someone cheated on her, I'm not just going to force her into anything."

"Who says its forcing?"

"I want her to trust me." I admit, bending a corner and he shrugs.

"I guess, Kylan is pretty cool though." He murmurs, staring outside and I raise my eyebrows at my best friend who has never liked a girl since he started school.

"She smiles too much."

"She's pretty but I don't like how she acts."





"Is that her real hair?"






"Her name is unique too. Kylan." He sounds out dreamily. 'Sounds like a warrior, and her hair, don't get me started. She's so intelligent, from one night I learned a lot about her when we went outside. We weren't just lip locking." He laughs to himself, still staring outside. "She has this bright smile and she laughs carelessly, not caring that I'm a boy. . . " the whole ride is filled with his talking as I listen to the words of my best friend, who is about to be very whipped.

× × ×

: What are you uo to?

Beauty- Got a ride on my sister

: are you busy tonight? "

Beauty- yea sorry. . assignments up to my chin xD

: Glad I'm done with that.

Beauty- Trust me, your work has just begun, have a good day :)

: You as well beautiful ;)

Turning off my phone I turn to a angry looking Jude and an amused Blue.

"What?" I blink, "what did I miss?"

"Ugh." Jude through her can of soda at Hayley who shrieks as the can not only hits her painfully, but spills the contents all over her.

"What a friend." Blue murmurs sarcastically, getting Hayley some tissues as she takes them and runs after Jude.

"For real though? What happened?"

"She invited you to a party." I raise an eyebrow. "And you didn't answer."

"I didn't? I was just talking to Kehlani."

"Mm." Blue hums, an amused grin. "Its her party also."

"Who Jude?"

"No, Kylan and Kehlani's." I scrunch my eyebrows.

"So why was Jude invited?"

"Her brothers in Kylan's grade, Jude saw the invitation, Jude invited herself. But no worries Jude invited us." I grin,

"As soon as school over you know what we have to do?" He grins also.

"Gift shopping."

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