Heart Burn- #8

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K E H L A N I' S

"Yeah okay, I'm out." Kylan was reaching for the handle when I spoke up.

"What kind of law?"

"Its going to be fun trust me, and even if we get caught it'll be easily erased." He promised.

I look at Kylan through the rearview mirror and she scoffs in disbelief

"You're not honestly thinking of breaking the law right?"

"Its nothing too serious, we do it all the time." Blue speaks up and she jumps, probably forgetting he was there.

Maybe this was what I was missing, I was too boring, taking the safe route. I needed to take risks and be adventurous.

I can do this.

× × ×

"No, absolutely not." I shake my head.

"You guys break and enter all the time?" Kylan gapes.

"Only when we're bored." Blue shrugs and I stare at the already closed grocery store. Seriously, Why close so early?

"Cmon guys—"

"I bet they have cameras, and alarms."

"What part of we've done it before don't you understand?" Blue glares at Kylan and she narrows her eyes.

I was not doing this.


"Chill Blue, its fine if they don't want to do it we can go somewhere else." He scoffs before rolling his eyes


"I'm sorry." He murmurs from next to me, "if I made you feel uncomfortable. I thought that maybe it would be fun."

"Its okay." I reply. "I don't have the criminal streak that you have." I laugh and he snorts. "Ditching school when you were younger, breaking into stores, you're just screaming bad boy aren't you." He grins.

"Every bad boy needs a good girl Y'know?" He moves a little closer and my heart rate speeds up as I choose my next words.

"Oh Draco, didn't anyone tell you?  There's no such thing as good girls, only a girl who chooses to keep all her little dirty thoughts to herself." I whisper the last part and I think I need to calm my little estrogens.

What is it with the whispering brain?

Suddenly feeling confident, I turn to walk back to the car, Kylan and Blue arguing over something, bit I couldn't hear over the erratic beating of my heart.

"So where to?" Kylan appears next to me.

"I'm hungry." Blue states.

"Nobody asked, neither cares." She shoots at him and I raise an eyebrow at her sassy behaviour.

"Why don't you pipe down shortcake?"

"The only thing short here is the thing in your pants so why don't you be a good boy and stay quiet?" Draco bursts into a loud laughter as Blue gives her a look of pure fire. I however, was trying to figure out who was this girl that replaced my sweet sister.

"Okay, okay, calm down guys, we can go to McDonald's?" I suggest.

"How about Timers?"

"No." Blue and Kylan say at the same time.

"Hey get your own words!" Blue childishly snaps.

"I didn't know you owned the dictionary!" She yells and I face palm.

× × ×

"Do you think they'll make it home?" Draco whispers as Kylan pinches Blue's arm because he was drinking from her coke.

"You could've gotten your own drink."

"But I didn't want one at that time."

What is it with these two?

"You're so irritating!" She shoves the drink harshly onto him and it soils into his shirt. I cringe as he shrieks standing. He throws her a scowl before storming off and she follows same speed as him, a more apologetic look on her face.

"They'll be fine." I wave them off, focusing on my fries.

"You have a little. . " he uses his thumb, wiping what I suppose was ketchup before wiping it on his black tight T-shirt and winking at me.

I was still trying to get over the fact that he touched me.

I clear my throat, my neck burning as he leans back playing with my hair.

"How does it get like this?"

"Water, and moisturizer." I squeak and he eyes it more.

"And when its dry how does it look?"

"Um. . I-I don't know how to—"

"I guess on day I'll just have to be there when you wake up." My eyes lock with his as a gently smile graces his face and my heart rate speeds up.

I close my eyes, trying to calm my breathing as I turn my attention back to the front, more interested in my fries. It gets quiet and he's still playing with my hair, Blue and Kylan are still no where to be seen.

"Where do you plan to go to college?" He asks.

"I'm not completely sure yet, however I don't know if I necessarily what to leave this town." I admit a small laugh escaping me. "Most kids want yo go out and explore the world, be independent but truth is I'm terrified. I—" I stop myself before I go into a mindless babble and he stops playing with my hair.

"You. .  ."

I take a deep breath, at least his interested.

"Do you honestly want to hear the most depressing speech of your life?"

"Pass the tissues." He says determined and this causes me to smile a bit.

"I-Im just wary. . of the world nowadays y'know? Everything is so unpredictable and the risks they could cost so much if you take them. When I'm here I have someone to guide me, my dad, he couldn't be the female model in my life, but he tried his best to raise two girls on his own and we turned out just fine. Sure it hurts that I can't have a mom like a normal person, however I'm just afraid of losing the only light I have. The only person in this world who can really guide me. I have God, I mean he's always there but my dad is with me physically. I don't want to go out in this world just to get crumpled and crushed and thrown aside."

"If this world has taught me anything, its that no one really cares anymore. If you don't have family, you're on your own, and even family doesn't have the same strive anymore. Its all man for themselves."

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