The Link Between Love Chapter 6

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"Okay. Since she's up now, we're going to begin operating...After we put her to sleep," Dad says.

"Okay. Can I visit her after the operation?" Danny asks.

"Sure. She'll probably want to see your face first when she wakes up afterward," Dad answers.

Dad and the nurses put me on the operation table and put a sleeping mask on. Danny walks out of the room and sits in the waiting room.

Daniel's mom and Daniel's sister, Jane, walk in the building and they see Danny. They walk over and sit next to him.

"How's Michelle?" Daniel's mom asks.

"She came to," He answers.

"That's good," She says.

"Where's she now?" Jane asks.

"Getting a operation. They still have to get the bullet out of her side," He answers.

"Oh," Jane says.

After 4 and a half hours, the operation is finished. I wake up 5 minutes after.

"D-Danny? Danny? Danny! Wh-where are you? Danny?" I start calling, looking left and right, confused and scared.

"Nurse, get Danny. Michelle seems to really want him," Dad says.

"Yes sir," She says and she goes to the waiting room.

"Danny, the operation is finished. Michelle is awake and she keeps calling for you. She really wants to see you," She says.

Danny stands up and quickly walks in the back. He goes to where I got my operation.

He goes in the room and goes straight to the side of the bed. I look to where he's at and he sees that I'm a little scared.

"D-Danny, what's going on? Where am I?" I ask him.

"You're in the hospital. You were shot in the side, went into a coma, and had to get a operation. But you're going to be fine," He answers.

"I-I'm glad that you're here," I say.

"I'm glad to be here. Now, how are you feeling?" He asks.

"A little in pain on my side, but other then that, I feel better," I answer.

"I'll let you guys be alone for a while. Call me if you need anything," Dad says.

"Okay. I will," Danny says.

Dad goes out of the room and closes the door.

Danny goes foward until his face is near mine. He puts his hand on the back of my head. He then, kisses me for 8 seconds and then sits back down.

"I love you, you know that?" He asks.

"Yes. And I love you," I answer.

He grabs my hand and kisses it softly. Then, the nurse walks in.

"Okay. So, she'll have to spend the night here, then she will be able to go home tomorrow, but she can't be on her feet. She'll have to have a wheelchair to be able to get around," She says, looking at a chart.

"Okay. Can I stay the night with her?" He asks.

"Of course," She answers.

He looks back at me.

"Get some sleep. You're going to need it for the car ride home," He says.

"O-okay," I say, slowly closing my eyes.

I fall asleep. Danny keeps it quiet when he walks around to the other side. There's enough room for two people on the hospital bed so he slowly, and carefully climbs in behind me.

He puts his arm around me and snuggles in close. I open my eyes and I look behind me, seeing that he was there, sleeping along with me. I smile, and I turn towards him, putting my arm around him as well.

Now it's morning, so Danny and I wake up. Danny stretches and climbs out of bed. He walks over to the other side of the hospital bed.

I yawn, and I stretch my arms out.

"Mornin'," Danny says, touching my hand.

"Top of the mornin'," I say.

"What?" He asks, confused.

"It's just a expression. It means the best of the mornin' to you...In I think a different accent...Or language," I say, laughing.

He joins in the laughter, getting the joke.

The nurse walks in with a chart and a wheelchair.

"It looks like she can go home now," She says.

"Okay. I can help put her in the wheelchair," Danny says.

"Alright," She says, wheeling over the wheelchair.

Danny picks me up and carefully puts me in the wheelchair.

He carefully steers me to the front desk and checks me out. Then, he wheels me to his car.

He opens the passenger door, picks me up, and carefully sets me in the seat. He closes the door, opens the door behind mine, and carefully puts the wheelchair in the back.

He gets in his side, starts the engine, puts it in gear, and carefully drives off.

"You know you don't have to drive so carefully," I say, looking at him.

"I know, it's just, I'm wanting you to get home safely," He says.

Once we get home, Danny hops out and walks to my side. He opens the back door and takes the wheelchair out. He wheels it next to the passenger side.

He opens the passenger side door, picks me up, and puts me in the wheelchair.

He helps me get to the house. He opens the door and wheels me inside.

Dad is busy cleaning the kitchen when we come in. He looks up when he hears the door close.

"How's she doing?" Dad asks as Danny wheels me into the kitchen.

"She's doing better. She just can't be on her feet. She'll need help getting up and down the stairs," Danny answers.

"Okay," Dad says.

"I'm thinking...Until she's able to be on her feet and walk, maybe I could stick around and help her with things she can't do, and help her get up and down the stairs," Danny suggests.

"Hmm...Sure. I don't mind having you hang around and help," Dad agrees.

"Thanks," Danny says.

I yawn, and Danny knows it's time for a nap, so he wheels me to the bottom of the stairs.

He picks me up from the wheelchair and carries me up the stairs and into my room. He puts me in my bed and pulls the covers up over me, but not my head.

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