Chapter 2

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Spencer above^^^^

Spencer's POV

"We are truly lucky that you have chosen Dale Academy for your school chose. I feel like you will do well here." The tall man in front of me says. He is about 6'1" with a kind yet strict look on his face.

"We are so grateful that you are allowing Spencer to attend your school so late in his schooling years. With the move we were worried about the new school system but yours is very similar to B&M's school." My mom tells Principle Blackmore.

"Well your son will find this school to be very helpful for his musical career as we have a 96% rate of our students getting successful jobs within their programs." Blackmore explains and goes on and on about his lovely school. I'd rather be in my studio practicing or in my room writing new songs yet I am stuck here forced to do to school. One last year and I will be free to live my life instead on having my mom and Mark breathing down my necks. I start to listen again when I hear my name. "What do you think Spencer?"

"Huh? I'm sorry what did you say?" I ask and hope neither of them realizes I wasn't listening.

"Mr. Blackmore asked if you would like a tour of the school." My mom sharply tells me. I can tell that she thinks I am embarrassing her.

"I would love a tour of the school." I tell him hoping to get away from my mom and this room. Blackmore pushes a button on his phone and tells his secretary something I don't bother listening to.

"Ah here she is." A woman in her mid-30's walks in and I can tell she will be one of my teachers. 

"Mrs. Stacy this is Spencer Ray, he will be joining your class tomorrow." Her eyes widen as he says this.

"Excuse me? Did you just say I am getting a new student?" My mom and I both raise our eyebrows at this. Why does a teacher seem so shocked to be getting a new student.

"I know this is rare but Mr. Ray would not fit in with the 200 level classes in his program and you have half of your mornings free and so does Mr. Lee. For the rest of the day he will be with the rest of the 200 levels." I am more confused than baby when playing peek-a-boo. What in the world is a 200 level? "Would you mind giving Mr. Ray a tour of the 300 hallway?"

"Of course." Mrs. Stacy gets over her shock and turns to leave. "Follow me." I get up and follow her out of the office. Once we leave she begins to lead me through a series of hallways. "These are the 200 level hallways which is where you will have your afternoon classes. However, you will have your morning classes in a different hallway." As we continue to walk, I can hear the sounds of a variety of instruments being played and I can smell fresh paint coming from a few rooms. As we walk I see rooms full of dancers working on their skills. It seems to be a very busy school.

"Why are my morning and afternoon classes in different hallways?" I ask as I continue to look around.

"You are a lucky student to be able to have a few classes in the 300 level hallways. The classes that are 300 level means that you are to talented to be with everyone else. You get private lessons with the teacher to better prepare you for when you become successful. If you are in a 300 level class you are fated to be famous one day." Mrs. Stacy tells me with a kind smile.

"Are there many kids in the 300 level classes?" I hope there isn't to many people that bug me while I work.

"There are only two students in the 300 level classes. You are one of them." Stacy tells me with a serious tone that makes me understand her shock back in Blackmore's office. We continue walking until we are in a series of hallways that aren't as loud as the other one. If anything it is too quiet for a music school.

"Why is it so quiet?"

"Must be in the library." Stacy mumbles lightly. "I'll take you to meet your other teacher Mr. Lee." I nod and we continue down the quiet hallway. We make it to an office and I can hear the sounds of 2Cellos coming from inside. Stacy walks right in without knocking and I follow. "Robert I want you to meet our new student, Spencer Ray." Stacy tells the short potbelly in front of me. He looks like he could use a good jog and a kale salad.

Mr. Lee stands up and holds out his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Spencer. I'll be teaching you instruments and Mrs. Stacy will be teaching you sheet music." I nod and shake his hand.

"During the mornings we will be switching off every other day as to which teacher you will be with minus Friday. Friday's are free days for you to work on items that we think you need more work on. Tomorrow you will start with Mr. Lee." Stacy explains to me and Mr. Lee as he seems to be surprised over this information.

"Alright then I guess I will see you tomorrow Mr. Lee." I tell him. He just nods back at me.

"We should be getting back to the office and I have a student to teach." Stacy exclaims and rushes me out of the office. As we walk down the hall I can smell a strange scent coming from one of the classrooms but I don't see or hear anyone. This place is getting weirder and weirder.

We finally meet our leading man! What do you guys think so far?

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