Chapter 8

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Half of Spencer's room above^^^^^

Spencer's POV

"Ma I'm home!" I yell through the silent house. For a family of two and a douche I think our new house is too big for us. On the plus side with all this space in the 3 story mansion we have I am able to have a music studio set up.

I throw my bag down by the stairs and go in search of my mom. I walk into the place I'm most likely to find her, the kitchen. But I'm star struck to find it's empty. Well also empty. A note sits on top of the black granite counters next to our black stainless steel fridge.

Hi Honey, Mark surprised me with a mini vacation to Portland so we won't be back until Monday! Be safe and use your card for emergencies! Love, Mom

I should have guessed Mark had something to do with it.

Fucking play boy comes in here and sweeps my mom off her feet and pretends to love her. Ha! I know he's really just after my dad's money but what do I know I'm just a stupid kid changing a ridiculous dream. I scoff to myself and walk away from the kitchen to go upstairs.

I walk to flights of steps before I make it to the third floor which I have to myself. On my floor is my room, my studio, two guest bedrooms and an extra bathroom. My room has a connected bathroom so I use that one.

I open my door to my room. My black and white color scheme is bright with all of the natural light filling in from the windows on one wall and the balcony I have to a small deck outside. My black comforter is hanging off the side of my bed slightly from this morning. My white block shelves in the corner holds mementos that I want to keep on display like my music awards from my old school and pictures of friends. I have guitar stuff and my recording items randomly placed around my room. I have a small desk pushed against the wall next to my shelves to do school work or write music.

I throw my bag on to the chair for my desk. I'll do my homework later. I lie down and listen to the echoing silence throughout the house. Since mom married Mark I've gotten used to the silence. Back home I used to have friends to help me pass the time but here the only person I've really talked to is Alessio.

My thoughts start to drift to the girl at the piano. The way she played was like magic. It was something I haven't even seen. I have to meet her, or at lease know her know. Thinking about it now I haven't ever heard anyone say her name. Hell Blackmore or the teachers ever mention the fact that the other student is a girl much less her name.

I don't know why but ever since I listened to her play I haven't been able to get her off my mind. I know that I may just going to continue to think about her. I need to do something to get her off my mind. I go to my closet and grab a tank top and a pair of running shorts. Best way to take your mind off something or in my case someone is to push yourself to the point that it doesn't matter anymore.

I slip on my running shoes and headphones and leave my house. I am one of those weird people that enjoys running. It takes my mind off of everything else when I have to focus on my breathing and pace. I leave my posh neighborhood after a while and make my way to the smaller houses nearby. I pass several small houses but one sticks out to me with its impressive garden. I'm not must of a flower guy but hell I'll even admit that this place has some gorgeous flowers.

By the time I make it home I am feeling much better. I shower and finish my homework. I go about my normal nightly routine without thinking about her, until my head hits the pillow and I have nothing to help distract me.

It's going to be a long night.

*hides under bed* all of these run ins yet no meeting yet..... *evil smirk* Who hates me yet?Super short chapter but we get some more insight on our leading man's life! I want to thank you for who have all voted for my story so far you are the best!

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