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Rustling. That's the first thing Alexander heard, plush and soft, that's the first thing he felt..then..”fuck” he groaned as he lightly grabbed his forehead and let out a annoyed sound, that's the second thing he felt, pain. {Where am I?} He opened his eyes lightly and looked around he recognized were he was. He then realised that the previous rustling had stopped “Jefferson?” he asked in a daze. Sense he was in fact in the virginians’ office he felt it was reasonable to think he was here and then he saw the tall man sitting at his desk looking at Alexander with a unreadable expression and then he opened his lips to talk.

“Idiot” was what he said.

“Asshole” he shot back

“Seriously Hamilton, skipping meals to the brink of passing out? That's the stupidest thing I have ever encountered.

“Don't lecture me Jefferson, your starting to sound like Washington” he was starting to get annoyed, no scratch that, more annoyed than he already was.

“Good! Speaking of Washington--”

“Don't tell him” Alexander cursed himself for sounding desperate but he really didn't want the older man to know. He knew he would start asking Alexander if he was ok or if he needed a few days off like a freaking counselor would ask their client.

“Why shouldn't I?” Alexander really hated this.

“Because I don't wanna be questioned by him like a councilor and I really don't wanna be sent home” god the last thing he wanted to was go home, were he was constantly remained of his wife and how empty the small house seemed without her. How his bed felt so cold, and how small he felt and how big the house felt, how she left some of her belongings flaked around the home and her scent still lingered even though it has been a month.

“Hamilton” his name sounded so strange but he snapped out of his daze and refocused his gaze on a concerned looking Thomas Jefferson. He couldn't do this anymore god damn it.

“I’m going” he stood up and tried to hide his pained expression by how his stomach panged and he tried to walk to the door but he didn't even realise the virginian had gotten up and sped to him.

“Hamilton don't you dare leave in your state--” it was too late, the shorter male slammed the door shut and hurried to his own office.

“Alex, what's up?” Laurence asked through the phone, Alexander slumped down into his seat and sighed.

“Hey, mind picking me up for lunch?” he only ever calls Laurance for lunch when he really needs a friend, and Laurence knew that.

“Yeah of course Alex, be there in 20, alright?”

“Ok” he sighed and hung up and closed his eyes to think of what he was going to do. {I will try and call Eliza again and if that doesn't work, maybe Angelica will pick up.} He cringed at that thought, knowing how scary Angelica can get when it comes to her sisters.


Thomas hated how worried he was. He shouldn't be worried, not about Alexander Hamilton. He picked up his phone and typed away knowing he needed get his mind off of the short male, he knew how dangerous caring about  Alexander Hamilton was and he didn't need that.

>Thomas:Hey Jemmy, want to go for lunch? I was thinking the café

>James:sure TJ, your paying

>Thomas:alright fine

He put his phone away and grabbed his coat and pulled it over himself and grabbed his cane and when he opened the door he saw his boyfriend walking down the hall approaching his door.

“Hey TJ” James greeted and hugged Thomas when he got in arms length.

“Ready to go Jemmy?” he kissed James quick and sweetly and he nodded and soon they entangled fingers and started walking out of the building.


Laurance and Alexander sat in a booth and munched on there sandwiches as they talked and joked. “Damn it's about time” Alexander said.

“I know, it was starting to drive me nuts! How Herc and Laf always looked longingly at each other but never made any moves!”

Alexander chuckled “and we thought in group dating had ended” he took a sip from his soda.

“Boy were we wrong” the freckle faced male gave a knowing smile and chomped on his burger when suddenly the chime of the doorbell rang.

“Aw fuck me” Alexander groaned as he looked back at his burger then the door. Recognizing the two men who walked into the café.

“Been there done that” Laurence says with a dorky smile.

“Shut up” he shoots back, amused.

“So how has getting back Eliza been?” Alexander dreaded the question, he knew it was coming but he felt compelled to answer.

“Honestly..I don't know, she sees my texts and calls and that's better from before when she straight up ignored them but she doesn't respond at all! Everytime I call Angelica she doesn't give me the space to speak and just curses at me before hanging up.

“I’m sorry Alex” Laurance says solemnly as he gives a pitiful look.

“It's alright, you're not the one who fucked up”


“I would love that Thomas!” James says happily at there table as he gets up and hugs Thomas.

“Great, I just don't like having a open relationship with you Jemmy” he gives a smirk “I guess you could say I don't like sharing” James blushes and grins, nodding at the taller man.

Little did Thomas know that his happy relationship would crumble before him.


Hey guys!

Thanks for the support :p even though I have only gotten two or three comments it's really been a motivation boost so thanks!

Bye bye

A unexpected transition (Jamiton)Where stories live. Discover now