Chapter three

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“how would he know, and why would he want to see me?”  

“ Mother, Riggie, on the portrait, He would want to see what kind of a person are you?  Judging on how you spoke to my so called mother this morning, he will try to accuse you of being a blood traitor and get you disowned, sadly for him there aren’t much people in the family to decide if you should be disowned or not, however just be carefull, the black family has always been superior to his, and now since your father died, I bet he danced of happiness that the royal bloodline has been finished”

Regulus wasn’t sure what to say, his father was right about that Malfoy man. He sighed and nodded,  “I heard he participated in defeating voldemort” Sirius shook his head,
“His wife actually, your second cousin, she turned against voldemort to save her son, only a woman of black would be brave enough to lie to the dark lord in his face and live to tell the story, if he knew that she lied she would be a goner by now , even Bellatrix didn’t suspect her” Regulus nodded again, he understood what he should do, if Malfoy is going to try get rid of him, he can play this game as well.

“so basically , I am the heir of the black , right?” Sirius nodded “The last living owned male in the family, you are.”
“Brilliant, so now that everyone who can make the rules for us died..”
“You are the one to make the rules” Sirius finished for him, a smirk speared on regulus’ face and again Sirius remembered his brother “Let me get this right, now if I don’t want you to be disowned anymore, I can?” Sirius’ face fell but nodded “are you-“  Regulus stood up quickly “yes I am serious, uncle, if I can change things for better then I will” he was happy and wanted to have a proper family for himself and his sister.
“no Reggie, that’s not how things works,  you can make rules but you can’t change the ones been made before, we can always break them but cannot change them or remove them” explained Sirius making Regulus fall back on his seat in disappointment.

His sister , however , was wondering with the others upstairs thought the house was a bit forgotten, filthy, she touched a book which was too high for her, ended up falling , dust was all around she sneezed aloud grabbing the attention of the others, “Honestly, guys how can you live here?” “well, we’ve only been here for couple of months,  Siriusand I, the others only come to visit” explained harry.
She was going through a potion book while he was speaking, a specific potion caught her attention, “Look at this harry”
all the heads in the room were on the book looking to where she was pointing, ‘A potion to clear a place from the dark aura’ Hermione looked at rose,
“brilliant, if we use this potion on this house it won’t be this depressing anymore” she said with big enthusiasm, Ron was nodding at her and Ginny took the book in her hands.

“exactly what I meant” said Roseline, happy with her discovering, “but how are we gonna make it, we are not very good at potions anyways” Ginny killed the moment and then all eyes turned to Hermione as she cleared her throat, “I am the brightest, smartest witch of our generation and there is no damn potion that I can’t make” she said proudly.

“Very modest Miss Granger” Spoke Regulus from behind them and they could see her face turn red of embarrassment, causing Ginny to smirk and Roseline to giggle.

She refused to turn to him, so he walked closer to them examining the page Ginny held for him to see, “Oh well, I will count on Miss Granger to make this one, and please don’t hesitate to ask for help despite your high confidence” He said smirking at her. “I need no help, I’ve made harder potions than this one” she said proudly again, her cheeks still flushed pink.
“If you insist my lady,” He took the book from Ginny Politely, and handed it to Hermione “enlighten me, I will watch and wait to see”

Ginny, Rose, Harry and Ron agreed on cleaning the dirt in the house, Ginny and Harry went to clean the second landing Leaving Rose and Ron to clean the first one before they all head down to the basement , Ron and Rose started cleaning the rooms each room becomes clean as new as they wave their wands at it, Grateful to their ability to use magic, it would be a catastrophe if they couldn’t, once they were done with every room, they cleaned the hallway and it’s new again.

however, Roseline heard laughs from upstairs and chuckled , “At least they are having fun,”  causing Ron to shake his head, “I don’t even want to know what are they doing? She is my sister and he’s my best mate, it’s just weird”  
“so they are together aren’t they?” Roseline had her doubts from the beginning.

they went to the room where Hermione was making the Potion, cheeks flushed pink and Regulus watching and waiting as promised.  

“How is going, Miss know it all” Asked Ron,
“Almost done” She smirked looking at Regulus who was staring at empty space, absent minded, his sister sat next to him, touching his shoulder, “What’s on your mind, Riggie” He stood up and walked to Hermione examining the potion, Only answering few seconds later, “Mr. Malfoy might be coming” He said blankly causing Hermione to gasp as if she heard Voldemort's name.

Regulus looked at her, but kept speaking to his sister, “Sirius said we should be careful dealing with him”
“He surely is right” snored Ron, Regulus however didn’t stop staring at Hermione who was back to finish her potion, Her hair was a bit bushy due to the warm boiled potion beneath her and her eyes dancing from the book to the potion, glancing at him sometimes, only the worried voice of his sister made him stop staring “What if he hurt us” he rested his hand on her head patting it sofly,
“ no one is going to hurt you, Cissy. Just let me do the talking if he comes” Roseline loved when her brother calls her Cissy, because that what her Father used to call her, He used to say that if His cousin , Narcissa was brunette she would look just like her.  “He wouldn’t hurt you because we are here and we’ll get your back” said Harry who arrived few moment ago, everyone nodded at him, and silence fell for few moments only to be broken by Hermione’s exciting voice “I made it , guys it’s ready” she turned to Regulus proudly, she did it without help, Regulus smiled softly at her, “well, at least now I know you are smart enough” he said , Roseline raising an eyebrow as she knew what he was hinting.
 Hermione, However didn’t understand, He winked at her and walked at out the room “we’ve still have the basement to clean” he said again, knowing that everyone was following his steps.

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