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"I'm so sick of this. Flights to LA, trips to Paris - I can't deal with it anymore." I yelled at Cameron. Cameron was my best friend. I confided in him with everything. Often too much. I had a boyfriend: Jack Gilinsky. Cameron and Jack's best friend Jack Johnson always joke around because I used to tell them I'd easily marry him for his last name, and when we started going out, it only got worse. 

"You're not thinking straight, Hayley." Cameron stood up from the chair he was sitting in and grabbed my arm to stop me from pacing. I sighed deeply and sat down. 

"I can't be with someone who cares more about 'living the fast life' than actually being with me" I continued. 

"Okay, and that's understandable. But don't tell me this. What you have with Gilinsky is special and you can't waste it over something this stupid. Talk to him." He made direct eye contact to make it clear he was being serious. Cameron was a pretty serious person when he needed to be; but rarely showed it when he was with his friends - especially Nash. Nash was a year younger than me, and a two and a half years younger than Cameron so it always shocked me to see how heavily influenced Cam was around him. 

I looked down. There was still something on my mind, and it was killing me - I knew Cam was right, I should've been talking to Gilinsky about this. 

"There's something else, isn't there." Cameron deduced. 

I looked back up at him. 

"I just hate that he smokes. Like all the time. And he's always high, even around me." I said, releasing the tension that was building inside. 

Cameron gave me a sympathetic look and nodded as he hugged me. 

The phone rang and Cameron released me and got up to answer it.

"Yo" he said into the phone. I rolled my eyes.

It was Nash and the other Magcon guys. 

My phone buzzed and I looked down at the lockscreen to find a text from Jack. I smiled and took a deep breath, realising how ridiculous I was feeling over nothing. Jack and I had been together for ten months. It was the longest relationship I had been in. I was never good at opening up or letting people in. I was extremely unsure about him when he started to show his feelings for me. It took him eight months to win me over. The other guys would constantly push me into it which never made things easy, but when I finally decided to give it a try, it didn't take long for me to realise he was something special. 

Our first official date as a couple - he took me fishing. I thought it was absolutely insane of him but it was different so I went with it. He drove me to a lake, where we got into a row boat. He took control of the oars and took us into the middle of the lake. It was silent for a while as we stared at each other, until he finally spoke. He explained why he wanted to take me to the lake. It wasn't for fishing after all. He wanted it to be our hideaway. A place to get away from it all, a place he'd know that whatever was going on - nothing between us would change. We went back to that lake every other weekend; it was the place I drove to in tears the first time we had an argument, it was the place he ran to because he knew I would be there. It was the place we first said we loved each other not long ago. It was our own little paradise. 

But these days we never had time to go to the lake. Jack and Jack were busy on tour; they started releasing songs. They had fans to meet. After a while of going on tour with them, they figured it would be safer for me to stay at the hotel during their meet and greets. I had been threatened over the internet by fans who had claimed to have met me and didn't like what they saw. I couldn't blame them, so I agreed to either staying at the hotel or just not going at all. 

Instead of answering the text, I called him. Upon reflection, I had realised that he and the lake were worth the hardships that had been going on lately. 

"Hey cutiepoo" I said into the phone.

"Hey how are you, beautiful?" He replied.

He was held up at Magcon but had found a small room that he was certain no one would find him in so that he'd get some time to talk to me. 

"I'll be back at the hotel real soon, babe, I promise." He reassured me.

I smiled. "Take all the time you need, I wouldn't want to take any time away from the fans."

"You're my favourite girl, you know that?" 


"Alright I better go; don't want anyone knowing I'm here incase I'll want to use this room next time you're with me." He laughed.

I laughed as I looked up at Cameron who smiled and nodded - still on the phone with Nash. "Alright you dork, I'll see you tonight for dinner?" 

"It's a date. Love you sweetheart" 

"Love you more, but don't be condescending" 

I heard him laugh before he hung up and sat back smiling; still looking down at my lockscreen. It was a picture of us at the lake. Jack was standing behind me and had his arms wrapped around my waist. I traced my hands around my waist and smiled. He had only been gone a few hours but I missed him being with me. 

"Alright loser, stop daydreaming, we're going to the courts." Cameron said lifting me up.

Shocked, I gasped as I was suddenly being carried out of the hotel room. "I'm not playing, right?" 

"Course you are." Cameron chuckled as he closed the room door behind us. 

I hated basketball but the Magcon guys insisted on playing it every, single, day. 

"Cameron look at what I'm wearing." His eyes navigated down to my short shorts and frilly top that Jack had bought me for our six month anniversary. 

"Yeah sure, blame it on the clothes." He laughed again.


Okay I think I'm gonna stop it there for now. This is kind of just a work in progress that I guess I will share just for the heck of it, I doubt it'll get many reads but it's out there anyway. 

This is basically supposed to outline Jack and Jack's songs and has subtle hints and lyrics here and there.

If you didn't get the Paradise hint, it was the lake but I figured that was pretty obvious but maybe not but yeah basically the lake is the inspiration Jack had to write the song Paradise.

If you do in fact read this give it a vote and comment if you think it should be continue, I mean I'll probably continue anyway just for my own sake and out of sheer boredom since I have a two and a half month holiday. 

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