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My other stories include: A Bond That Cant Be Broken, Mars Surprise, Mystery Women and The Willpower of One.

"I can't believe how long I've been here," Tina muttered to herself.

She never got any letters and it saddened her that she got such a punishment for protecting her daughter but what made it even worse was knowing she'd never see those beautiful light green eyes that matched hers to the very last detail.

A few seconds later, she was sitting as usual with no sound and no thoughts except the last time she heard her daughter, gorgeous and pale, as she begged for her mother's freedom.

"It haunts me everyday," she said looking at the wall as if expecting some reply. The next day, she woke up to the sound of a paper being slipped under the cell door. Was it from her daughter or her family, but no she noticed no such name or even no name at all.

"It's an anonymous letter," she screamed to herself. Thoughts fluttered into her mind and feelings of rage, hurt and disappointment overtook her making her burst into a river of tears gushing forth uncontrollably. She opened the note which said " you're not alone, I may not be much but I can open the way for you to be free.

I'm right beside you." She screeched turning right and turning left to see if everyone was with her but no one was. "I wonder what the note means then?" She asked quizzically. Days went past and then finally it was autumn and she got another note which said " you're not free because you haven't tried, try looking for me and you'll finally be free." The free part of the letter clicked but she had no idea what she had to look for because she knew it couldn't be as obvious as a key. Days flew by as autumn became colder and a new note arrived which she didn't feel like opening and then she decided let me give it a try, the note said " think hard, look around, feel for your freedom because dark days9 are coming." She immediately knew winter was coming and she wouldn't be able to see for long periods of time.

Eventually, days got shorter and she couldn't see anything, as she predicted but she found what she was looking for. It was a secret passage way she made her way through there completely unprepared for anything. All of a sudden she fell down a hole into a chair that locked her in.

"Hello Tina, if you don't wanna see you're daughter dead you'll do as you're told." She realized she'd been tricked into a false sense of security which would now lead to her downfall. She knew she should never have trusted someone she didn't know. She was about to learn a big lesson about people who were trustworthy and those that weren't. She had no idea what was about to happen next. She felt lonelier then ever before.

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