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Hey everyone I know most people get excited for high views. But I'm pretty excited that I got any at all. This is my most popular book. So enjoy 😊

I woke up at 5am sharp I was exhausted but I knew what I needed to do and I was not looking forward to it. And just to be clear I'm not talking about taking care of the horses.

When I had finished change I made my way to the stables. I expected it to be you know small because they have a lot to do. I was horribly mistaken. It is massive and when I went in I saw up to 30 horses.

"Hello you must be Tina. Don't worry you don't have to take care of all these horses on your own. We have a few people working here but I'm in charge. So you'll be working with 4 horses," she said quite quickly. And I just nodded as she kept going, "And those are the most prized horses of the princess and her long gone mother. So get to work cleaning and training them please."

She then just walked so I followed, " So we'll start here this is Prince, Clarice, Simone, and Charlie. Clarice is pregnant so no ones allowed to ride her," she said finally and showed me the supplies and left. As I was busy cleaning and stuff I noticed a little girl staring at me around 12 years old. Must be the princess I said to myself. I just decided to continue working and then the prince walked in and everyone stopped working so I did the same.

The prince asked, "Where's the boss here please." "I'm here sir,"she said nervously. "How many times have I told you not to call me that guys,"he said a bit impatiently and continued, "I need 5 horses, where's the new comer? I need a horse from her and my usual." Then he walked up to me and said, "I want Clarice." "I'm sorry but you can't ride her she's pregnant," I said quite boldly. "Wow you know your stuff. Fine, I want Prince," he said nicely. "You guys do a lot of testing here," I said interested. "Yes, I quite enjoy knowing that people aren't disobeying their own country," he said quite proudly.

I laughed and by then I was done and he had a surprised look on his face. He just stared for a second. And asked his companions, "Are you guys done?" They all unanimously said, "No." And I laughed. After about a few more minutes they were on their way.

I looked at the time it was 1pm exactly so I told the boss, "I'm going because I have to take care of the princess." But she laughed and said, "No you can't go. The prince never told me such a thing so get on with training." I ignored her and left and changed. I heard happy giggles again.

I followed them and was met with beautiful blue eyed girl. "Hi,"I said, "I'm going to be taking care of you until dinner." She stared at me and said, "Well I'm with a friend this afternoon, at around 2pm she'll be coming." I nodded. "You have a piano lesson at 5pm,"I said kindly. She nodded and said, "I hope you know how to play." I was a bit startled but I nodded.

At 2pm
The door bell rang and the girl who told me her name is Sheena jumped for joy. But waited for her friend to make her way to her room. What I saw could not be reversed when I saw the replica of me walk through the door. When my eyes met with the emerald green eyes I thought I'd never see. My tears were uncontrollable I started to cry.

The girls turned to look at me but I could see the recognition in her friends eyes. "Aubrey,"I said in a whisper. When she heard her name she ran into my arms and we cried together while Sheena had never been so confused in her life. Then Blake walked through the door and saw Sheena's friend in my arms and he was confused but then seemed to understand. "So this is your daughter that you thought you'd never see again, "he said quite comically.

With my daughter in my arms and safe. Is this the right time for me to confess or will I lose her forever and hurt her because of the people that are after her? Will I go to jail for this and leave her in the hands of my enemies ?

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this please vote and comment. I really want to know what my readers think. I'll update sooner if I now people like this story.

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