Utter Confusion

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Blake's POV

I am not skeptical of Tina but I just wanted to hear what her conversation is about on the phone so when it rang, I quickly told Sheena to keep quiet so that I could hear. I ran to the door and eavesdropped. I've never stooped so low ever but I really needed to know what was happening.

I heard her say her daughters name but like she wasn't expecting it at all. So I was very confused. Then it sounds like she's saying it's not her fault but for what I don't know. Then it's like she asks what she must do to change what, I don't know. She starts crying at that moment, maybe it's cause she came from jail and her family doesn't want her around the child but it doesn't add up. Why doesn't she recognize the number in the first place? Then she mentions that she says something that seems to mean that she doesn't want them to hurt her. Are they abusive or is she kidnapped?

She asks to talk to her daughter after a while and it seems whoever it is agreed. I was wondering if it's her husband but she never did mention him to me. Then she promises that she won't let anything happen to her and that she'd fix things. So I knew something was really off here. What was she willing to do to get her daughter? Is it just about getting work? It seems she gets cut off and starts crying. Throughout the conversation you can hear people apologizing to her and I'm just so much more confused.

I had a weird conversation where she tells me about her life and how she actually got her daughter, so I ruled out husband and family cause of the riddle. I figured that someone's trying to hurt her and her daughter. I don't know about you but I'd be willing to do anything to save my family and that scares me. Why is she here? She's warning me that it has to do with me, that's why she's here. She's trying to do whatever related to me to save her daughter. Someone else is dictating her life and she has to follow cause she has her daughter. The problem is that I have to fire her cause she's a threat to me and Sheena. The problem is that she's going be in a lot of trouble because of me and my choice. Why am I bothered about her? I need to fix this another way. I have to talk to her.

I then ask my assistant to tell the maid to call Tina and that it's urgent. I've never seen Tina look so scared but she walked in slowly, looking down, trying to avoid eye contact. As soon as she sat down, she still didn't look at me but kept looking down and waiting nervously for me to talk. "Tina," I sighed, "I don't know how to say this." I could see tears in her eyes. "I know what you meant by the riddle and by what you said,"I said kindly but continued, "the problem is, I don't know why you're here and you're a danger to me so I can't keep you here." For the first time she looked at me with tears and her eyes are filled with fear, she is petrified.

"Y-you can't! I'm trying to help you and putting my daughter at risk! You don't understand, I don't have a choice. He's going to hurt her!" When she said that I saw regret in her eyes and she started to cry heavily. Her phone started to ring and I could see that she was thinking if she should say whatever it is he needed or not. She seemed confused but answered the call, it looks like she knew what she has to do. She calmed herself and I saw tears fall. She put it on speaker so I could hear. "Hello Tina, how ya doing? You know that your daughter is a great kisser,"he said teasingly. Tina gagged. "So did you find out his weaknesses yet or should I start having some fun,"he said and I saw Tina's eyes go dark and distant. "I know what they are,"she said and I looked at her in disbelief, "it's that he's too trusting and his...daughter."

He shook his head at me. "I want to talk to Aubrey, I want to know she's ok,"I heard her say with a tremor in her voice. "Fine,"he sighed, "since you gave me info." "M-mummy, please don't do what he wants-," I heard him slap her and Tina's tears fell readily. "Listen Aubrey, I love you. I'm sorry but I have to disappoint you. I can't let you go through this again," I heard her say so gently to the little girl. "Mummy, I love you but even if I'm free and you're in jail. It's not going to change anything, you're still not going to be with me,"she concluded before she was cut off and she started screaming and crying. "If you listen to that girl, you'll see how much worse I can be! I can make girls hate themselves. I'll rape her, make her pregnant and then I'll make her have a miscarriage so that she'll have to live with the guilt! You understand me!"he said angrily. "Yes,"she said but the phone call ended.

"Fire me. I don't care anymore. I can't do anything. But enjoy your life and live the rest of it knowing my daughters suffering and I'm dead or rotting in jail. It's not completely my fault I'm in this situation, actually it's not my fault at all. I didn't ask to be put in jail and in this situation," she said finally and got up. "Tina! I didn't put you in this situation but I can take you out of it. Let the police take care of it,"I said kindly. "I don't trust them! They're the reason I am here and the reason I was separated from Aubrey,"she said seriously.

"I can't just fire you without trying to help you,"he said seriously. "Well I already gave you up,"I said seriously and continued, "so you should fire me. Your life and your daughters life are at risk." He just sighed and looked at me, he said, "How old are you?" "I'm twenty-eight, why?"I asked sadly, while looking down and with my hand on my head. "You're too young to die,"he said softly. "So is your daughter and my daughter, they're twelve,"I said with a tremor in my voice making my sadness prevalent.

We went silent for a couple minutes. Then the phone call came, then I knew. I just knew, either I'm dying, Aubrey's dying or the king is in danger. Morals, the time to put them to some good use for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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