Chapter 7

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I lay in my bed in my room yes I still love with my parents, yes I'm 22 and I live with my parents all my friends still make fun of me because I do but honestly I rather be here with my family then be anywhere else where I'm not happy, plus my mother always says that she loves having me around.

"I'm lay in bed scrolling through Maddie Instagram I know is not heathy for me to do because I still love her and I want to be with her, but I can't help not to think that she misses me as much I miss her I mean she did fellow me back so that mean something right?"

"As I'm scrolling I land on a picture of her with pajamas and the hoodie that was mine but I give it to her, I can't help but smile at it. I look at the caption and it reads"

'I fall in love with you when you're loving the enemy'

"I smile feds away when I know she's talking about Alexia I just know it"

"Bradley I love you but you have get out of bed is twelve in the afternoon get up." My mother saids about the 10th today.

"I groan and pull the covers over my face not wanting to get up"

"Bradley get up." My mother Said getting annoyed.

"I sigh and get up"

"Thank you." My Mom saids kissing my cheek then walk away.

"I chuckle as I got dress"


"After I'm finished getting ready I walk downstairs when I see my mom in the kitchen"

"Hey where's dad?" I asked my mom as I grab a bottle water.

"He's at the golf course today." My said and nod.

"Hey by the way me and the boys are going back to LA for a month so." I say with a sigh.

"LA you think you're going to se.."

"No Mom I'm not going to Maddie it will be awesome but I'm not working with her." I sigh as I mention LA she instantly thinks of Maddie.

"Okay I'm sorry just a thought." My mother looks at me.

"I know I'm sorry is just I don't know why is so hard to get over her, we weren't dating or anything what's wrong with me." I sigh and look at her.

"Because she knows you better then anyone she's was there for you more then anyone and she loves you and you love her, but you guys said it at the wrong time." My Mom saids honestly.

"You're right we did said it at the wrong time." I say.

"Go do something today go try to take your mind off of it." My Mom said and nod.

"I walk outside to take a walk to let my mind be free, but my walk was short when I heard my name. I turn around and I see Maddie Mom gushing me over so I did"

"No matter I was still close to Maddie family they really helped to me well try to help me move on from Maddie"

"Hey Kathy." I smile as I hug her.

"Hello Bradley I just finished making lunch for me and jack you want some." She asked me.

"Yes please." I as follow her to the house.

"Brad how are you." Jack saids as he pull me in a hug.

"I'm okay." I smile as we sat at the table and started eating.

"So brad what's been going with the band you guys going on another world tour." Kathy asked as she always had confidence in the band.

"Yeah later on though but we are going to LA again." I smile as they look at each other then at me.

"Really why." Jack asked me.

"Because we going to work some music there for the next album." I reply while eating.

"Awesome I can't wait to hear it." Jack smiles which I gave back.


"After eating we all decide to talk and catch up"

"I be back I'm going to the bathroom." I say and walk out the living room into the bathroom.

"After I'm finished I walk past Maddie room I stop and slowly opened the door"

I walk in and the smell of her perfume lingers into my nose it makes me miss her even more, I look around the room and I see a picture of me and Maddie when were fourteen and we at Maddie tree house the me and Maddie made together. Then I see Maddie Max music that has me and her voices I pick one up and put it in my pocket as I want to listen to it later.

"I look at her window remembering the nights we had conversations when we couldn't sleep it was something special"

"Is hard not hearing you guys talk at night anymore." Kathy saids making me turn around.

"Oh hey I didn't mean to"

"Is okay I come in here a lot so to think she's still in this room not in LA." Kathy saids sitting down on the bed.

"I sit down next to her and look around room"

"She really loved you brad I can tell in her eyes she did why did you wait till she was leaving to finally say it." Kathy asked to which I sigh.

"Because I didn't want lose her but no matter what I would lose her anyway." I mumble.

"She wouldn't leave you if you told her before." She tells me.

"I know I guess I don't know." I say trying to think what to say but I got nothing.

"Me too." Kathy saids patting my back then walking out the room.

"If I could find her and tell her I love her and say it to the roof top I would"

"LA better give me good luck"
I hope you love this lovelies

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