Chapter 1 - First Day

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Once upon a time, in a village far far away, lived a young troll by the name of Poppy. Poppy was a very happy troll until something life-changing happens and she turned from pink to grey and became very... very sad. In the same village, there lived another young troll by the name of Branch. Branch was always very happy and he was moved to the Troll Village High School. Little did Poppy and Branch know, their lives were going to collide in a way that neither of them could have imagined.

It was a Monday morning in Troll Village. 16 Year Old Branch woke up. Hair messy. But he was excited. today was his first day in his new school. "Morning Branch!" His grandmother said to him as he walked downstairs, all dressed in a green leaf vest and brown shorts. "Morning Grandma!" He replied back happily. He ate his Breakfast, took his bag and walked to school. He was nervous to meet new people but excited at the same time. As he walked into the school, he went straight to his classroom where he was introduced by his teacher. Then, a few trolls came up to him. One was glittery, his name was Guy Diamond. Then there was a big fat and blue one. Named Biggie. the other pink and shaped like a giraffe. His name was Cooper. They all introduced themselves to Branch and he introduced himself to them. They talked about each other and immediately became friends. Branch was happy. He was fitting in and had some new friends. Then the bell rang. Time for the first period. They all got up and walked out of the classroom and into the hallway. As they were walking, they saw a purple troll bullying a grey troll. The grey troll looked very sad but the purple troll didn't care. He punched the grey troll in the face. "OW!" She exclaimed. The purple troll then pushed her against a locker. Making her drop all her books and belongings. "Who is she?" Branch whispered to Guy Diamond. "That's Poppy. She's the loner of us. Nobody likes her because she's grey. So I suggest you stay away from her." Guy Diamond replied. "Um... OK. Who's the purple one?" Branch asked. "That's Creek. He bullies her. She deserves it for being grey to be. honest." Guy Diamond answered. Branch was in shock. He didn't think trolls could be so heartless. But in favor of what his friend had told him, he decided to stay away from her. But that didn't mean he felt bad for her. He really did. But what could he do? Everyone might turn against him. That was all he could think about when he went to bed that night. 

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