Chapter 5 - Opening Up

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Back in the school, Poppy was still in shock as to what happened. "Branch! Are you OK?" She asked with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. I can't stand him." He said angrily. "I'm sorry I got you involved in this." Poppy said. "You didn't get me involved. I got involved myself because I hate him. I've hated him ever since my first day when I saw him punch and push you into that locker. So don't be sorry." Branch responded before he parted ways with Poppy to go to his next class. After school, he met up with her again. They decided to go back to Branch's house to "study". But in reality, Branch wanted to talk to Poppy about her situation. They arrived at Branch's house which was within walking distance of the school. "Hi, Grandma! This is Poppy, she and I are going to study together if you're OK with that." Branch said to his grandma. "Of course Branch! Nice to meet you, Poppy." His grandma replied. Poppy nodded with a faint smile before they both headed up to Branch's bedroom. Poppy laid her books on the desk thinking that she and Branch were actually gonna study, but Branch then took the books and put them on the floor. Poppy gave him a confused look. "No. We're not here to study. I need to talk to you. About your situation." Branch said convincingly. He and Poppy sat down on the floor and started talking. "Ok, how long have you been in that school?" Branch asked. "About 3 years." Poppy replied. "And when did the bullying start?" Branch questioned. "Shortly after I turned grey." Poppy responded. "So Creek was your friend before that?" Branch asked. "More... more than that. I had a crush on him." Poppy said in a quiet voice. Just then, Branch heard his Grandma walking up the stairs and he quickly got some books and opened them to make it look like they were studying. As she walked in, Branch tried to act and pretend to study math. "So to solve X, we need to bring Y over down here right?" He asked acting before winking at Poppy. "Uh... ye... yeah. That's right." Poppy went along with it nodding. "I brought some tea for you 2." Branch's grandma (Rosie) said before laying the tray down on the floor. "Thank you." Poppy said. "Thanks, Grandma." Branch added. "Branch, may I talk with you for a second?" Rosie asked. Branch nodded and got up to speak with his Grandmother outside his room. "Branch, why is she covered in bruises and grey? Did you do that to her?" Rosie asked in a rather angry voice. "You really think I'd do that to her? Come on Grandma." Branch replied in an unamused way. "Then why is she like that?" Rosie questioned her Grandson. "Her mother past away, grief took over her life and she turned grey, she gets bullied in school by this guy called Creek and he abuses her. Everyone in school hates her just because she's grey. She's really lonely. She doesn't have any friends... except me. I didn't like the way she was being treated. So I thought I should be her friend." Branch explained. Rosie was in shock. "Branch, that's so kind of you. But why doesn't the school do anything about it?" Rosie asked. "(Sigh) all the teachers don't like her because... because she's grey." Branch said in a sad voice. "That's awful! Why doesn't her dad take her out of that school?" Rosie asked. "Because her... her dad doesn't know. She won't tell him because if Creek finds out, he threatened to KILL her." Branch said in a very serious voice. "Look. I promised to protect her from him. Don't worry about me. My priority is to keep her safe from him. So don't talk about this to her or the school. Understood?" Branch asked. Rosie nodded in agreement. "Thanks, grandma." Branch said. He went back into his room where Poppy was waiting for him. He further questioned her. "What's the worst thing Creek has done to you?" He asked. "He.... punched me so hard in the stomach that I threw up and had to go home early. It was probably the worst pain I've experienced." Poppy said in a sad voice. Hearing this made Branch so furious, so angry. So annoyed. Lock him and Creek in a room together and see what he does to him. Branch held in his anger. "Ok. That's ridiculous. He has no right to do that to you. Like just why?" Branch said angrily. "I... I don't know Branch.... I don't know why they hate me. I didn't do anything thing to them. (Tears up and sniffles) I had so many friends before I turned grey but now, no one likes me." She said as she began to cry. Branch the wrapped his arms around her for comfort. "Don't worry about him. I will try my best to end your misery." He said in a comforting voice. Poppy hugged him back. "Thank you Branch. Thank you for being my only friend, the only one who actually cares about how I feel." Poppy said wiping the tears off her face. She and Branch drank their tea and Poppy left Branch's house to go home. Which was actually down the road from Branch's. Branch watched her walk down and enter her house. He watched as her dad greeted her with a big hug. She hug him back and walked inside. That was the end of that. Night fell. While eating dinner, he and Rosie spoke about Poppy. They finished eating and Branch went to bed.

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