Chapter 9 - Game Plan

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Back at the school, Branch and Biggie were having lunch and trying to figure out a way to get everyone to stop treating Poppy like garbage. "OK, Biggie! If we think about this logically. Only 1 person started hating her and then the others followed, if we can get at least a few people to be her friend, maybe the others will follow." Branch suggested. "That's a great idea!" Biggie agreed. "So along with you and I, who else can we get?" Branch asked. "There are these twins who are cool, then we have DJ, I'm sure she'd be willing to give it a try and we also have Cooper, Guy Diamond, and Cre-" Biggie was cut off. "Forget Creek. He's the reason for all of this. We'll just keep it to that lot." Branch said. "OK." Biggie replied. So during lunch, Branch went to speak with Cooper and Guy Diamond whilst Biggie, being more of a lady's boy ;) went to go speak with the twins and DJ. "Ok, you 2. Explain yourselves about last night." Branch said angrily. "Branch. Buddy. I can explain...." Guy Diamond said nervously. "Yeah. It's a big misunderstanding." Cooper added. "Go in then." Branch said. "I and Cooper were walking and then Creek came up to us and threatened us. He told us that if we didn't do what he told us to, he'd kill us. He showed us that he had a knife." Guy Diamond explained. "Also, we have nothing against Poppy. We just didn't want Creek to pick on us after he started bullying her." Cooper continued. "Wait. What? You guys didn't hate her?" Branch asked in confusion. "No. We never did. Creek is the one we feared. We thought that if we stood up for her, we'd also get beaten up and bullied." Guy Diamond explained. "Guys, I understand that you fear Creek too. But Biggie is talking to the twins and DJ about this. If we can be a team, we might be able to defeat Creek. And we'll need your guys' help. Please." Branch pleaded. GD and Cooper both nodded. Biggie explained the same thing to the Twins and DJ and they both had the exact same thing to same. They were scared of Creek. They all met up after school and made a game plan. "OK Gang! This is operation Poppy recovery. This is our plan. Over the next 2 weeks, we spend as much time with Poppy as possible. Eating lunch with her, sitting next to her in class, walking home with her after school. Just keep her away from Creek and you guys also keep away from Creek. Here's the trick. Everyone will see us hanging out with her, they might also join in. Eventually building a quote on quote army that will lower Creek's temptation to pick on Poppy. Got it?" Branch explained. "Got it!" They all responded. Branch held out his hand. GD put his on Branch's. So did Biggie, and the twins and DJ. "For Poppy!" They all yelled before they went home. Confident about their plan to finally put an end to Poppy's misery. Branch got to his house. "Grandma! I'm home!" He called. She was nowhere to be found. He looked in the guest bedroom where Rosie was taking off a few of the bandages on Poppy's healed wounds. Rosie saw Branch walk in and just smiled. "Oh hello dear, how was your day?" She asked. Branch just froze and said "Amazing." Before leaving the room to do his homework. Poppy was healed enough to get out of bed. As she walked towards the front door, she looked at Rosie and smile. She then ran over and gave her a big hug. "Thank you, Rosie." She said as Rosie hugged her back. "No problem dear. Now, Branch is going to help you get out of your misery. Then, you can be happy again. Ok?" Rosie said cupping her chin. "Ok. I'm so glad I met him. Without him, I'd be a dreary mess... Anyways, bye!" Poppy said before leaving. "Bye Poppy!" Rosie replied waving at her. As Poppy walked home, she couldn't resist but feel overwhelmed. She thought of Rosie as a stepmother. Picking Poppy up from where her mother left her. It was strange. She arrived home and greeted her dad. As night fell, Branch was laying in bed, hoping, just hoping that he could get Poppy's life back to normal.

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