Chapter 3 - A New Friend

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It was Monday morning. Branch woke up, got ready, ate his breakfast and went to school. He looked her Poppy but couldn't find her. So he just assumed she was absent. Until it was lunch break where, all the way in the corner of the cafeteria, sitting all alone, was Poppy. Grey as ever. Branch walked over to her and asked "Mind if I sit with you?" and Poppy just nodded. Not a word. As Branch sat down and started eating, Poppy looked at him with a confused look on her face. "Are... Aren't you gonna punch me, or shove me into someone's locker, or steal my lunch money or food?" She asked in a fearful voice. Branch stopped eating and just froze. "Lemme ask you something. Have you been bullied for so long that you wait for it to start?" Branch asked. Poppy nodded. "Well... I'm new here and No. I'm not gonna punch or shove into someone's locker. I just came to ask if you wanna be friends." Branch suggested. Poppy stopped eating and just stared at him. "Like... Friend as in, actually be my friend? Not... Not someone who wants to make fun of me?" Poppy asked in shock. Branch nodded. Poppy gave him a big hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I never thought anyone wanted to be my friend." Poppy said. Branch hugged her back. "I know. I saw you getting bullied and couldn't stand seeing that." he said to her. Poppy broke the hug and continued eating. "What's your name?" She asked still in shock. "My name is Branch. And you're Poppy. I know. People say bad things about you all the time." Branch said. "Saying bad things about me is nothing compared to what Creek does." She said in a sad voice. "Why are they so mean to you?" Branch asked. "I... I don't know. They just do and I cant do anything about it." Poppy replied. "Don't you complain to the teachers?" Branch added. "They... They hate me too." Poppy said. Branch was in shock. "Why don't you tell your parents?" Branch questioned. "They... They don't know. More or less, He doesn't know. My mom... She passed a few months back. Which explains why i'm grey." She said depressingly. "I.... I'm so sorry about your mother." Branch said. "I miss her... A lot. That's why everyone bullies me." Poppy added. Branch was in shock. He had never heard anyone in such agony, such pain. He just wrapped his arms around her. "I will try my best and protect you from Creek. Nobody deserves to be treated the way you're treated." He said in a comforting voice. Poppy's heart shattered. She had never felt so cared for, so comforted. It was a feeling she hadn't felt ever since her mother passed away. She gained hope, knowing that there was someone, just someone who actually cared for her. And then, Creek came up to them. "Go away Creek." Branch said. "What you gonna do?" Creek asked before he punched Poppy right in the face. "OW! Stop! Why are you so mean?!" Poppy exclaimed in pain. She just got up and ran off crying. "Go on! Run off to your mommy! Oh wait, you don't have a mommy!" Creek yelled before bursting into laughter. "You moron! Do you know why she's grey?" Branch asked in frustration. "It doesn't matter. She's grey, and we are not." Creek replied smirking. "Ugh I hate you so much." Branch said to him before running off to find Poppy.

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